Chapter 3

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Previously on a recipe for disaster...

"Okay, so the gang's name is The Hounds and they were a tiny gang from Buenos Aires, they started growing, and have now taken over the whole of Argentina! They want to take over the whole south of America. Since Argentina is done, they are now after Brazil, therefore attacking both us and El Diablos. We have been attacked in Rio Branco, and we have fought them off successfully, only losing 5 guys. And he has also attacked us in Pôrto Velho, killing 35 of our men, and the rest, 20 guys, joining them. They have also attacked El Diablos in Boa Vista, so I think they are attacking starting from the north until they get to Rio de Janeiro, where both of our main and strongest bases are set."

I just stood there dumbstruck with wide eyes. This was too much to take in all at once. After about two minutes, I was ready to speak again. "Gang meeting!" He just stood there.

"NOW! Call every single person within a 30 mile radius!"

"What? why?"

"I mean everyone from our gang, you dumbass" I groaned.

"But they're all at the club" he whined.

"You listen and you listen well. If in 20 minutes I don't see every single member of our Rio de Janeiro base, I swear, I will personally chop off anything that proves you're a man! Am I making myself clear?" I said with rage oozing out of me.

"Yes, ma'am" he replied looking petrified. And ran off to go find them.

Before he left, I heard him mutter "damn, she's hot when she's angry!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled.


Audrie's POV

"So, let's get to business shall we?" I said in a professional and businesslike tone,"there's a new gang in town called The Hounds and they have this crazy thought that they can actually overpower our gang and become superior. We're just gonna have to beat them at their own game!"

"But, they seem like they know what they're doing, boss. It takes a lot of guts and confidence to threaten the two biggest gangs in Brazil, this must have taken years to plan," Brittney replied. I considered what she had said and it seemed to make a lot of sense.

I turned to face Charlie,"Charlie, make sure you can get as much information about them as you can, and try to hack their servers and security cameras. Who knows? They might be spying on us right now." Charlie Roberts is our top hacker. He recently joined us after leaving the CIA.

I pointed at Nina, Marcus and Cara "Make sure everyone that gets in and out of the bases and warehouses are checked for guns, drugs or even explosives. The lives of hundreds are at stake. Install more security cameras, recruit more men, we're gonna need all the help we can get." These three were the head security of El Pedor.

"Everyone get back to work! And no one gets in and out of the warehouse unless they have the print on their wrists. Get more weapons, sell more drugs. Do whatever it takes, just get more money. We need to put those dirty mutts in their place." Everyone then fled out since they could see the anger and frustration written all over my face. Basically, the print was this sort of tattoo everyone in the gang had. It made sure we had no intruders from other gangs trying to sneak in.

"Hey Ari" I called out for Ariana before she exited the room, "I'm going out with Blake to McDonald's, while I'm gone you're in charge, so I'm counting on you to make sure everything runs smoothly. If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll be right over."

"Alright, whatever." She replied in an obviously bored tone.

I went outside and found Blake in the driver's seat waiting for me. I hurried to get into the passenger seat and turned on the radio as we drove off listening to Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman.

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