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I recommend you read the whole story again so you have a better understanding but I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless :))


After that night everything didn't magically return to normal. Visits to the tree house became more frequent, but they hung in there, the pieces held together by the innocent friendship between the two households

At fourteen and fifteen they've grown up a bit. They're still Luna and Harry though. Always. Giggles and silly jokes, a bond that no one quite understands. Not even them.

Luna walks down the hallways sleeves pulled down to her pale palms, blue skies trapped behind her pupils, filled with wonder and interest. Gaunt frame and sun brushed hair. She's fine. Harry is tall and gangly, floppy curls across his fore head and dimples etched on to his face, always. He's okay.

Mild conflicts at home are a usual occurrence but they don't see the bad in anyone, not yet. Luna is a little bashful, intrigued by the wonders of the world. Observing and adoring. Always.

Harry is quite the social butterfly, melting hearts with his charm and cheeky compliments. He's charismatic like the sun, others orbiting around him in awe. Everyone wants a part of him and he gives it gladly. It's a beautiful exchange. His ethereal glow calls for attention and it loves him. Maybe that's a good thing maybe it isn't

Luna doesn't like attention but sometimes it's unavoidable, it's always Harry and his girl but she is content to be in the pretty boy's shadow away from prying eyes and jealous stares that she is quite oblivious to anyway. A kind of love that is naïve and misunderstood. Even they can't comprehend it just yet so it stays there floating in their conversations, around their interlocked fingers. It manifests itself as the little tingle in their stomach when Harry braids Lunas hair and she laughs at his corny jokes


On Monday Carol and Anne joke about how their children would look cute together.

On wednesday a friend asks the two if they like each other with a wink.

They stick their tongues out and laugh. Silly them.

It's not like that, and it will never be. Right?


It's a Friday night and Luna is trying to read a book. Trying. It's called The Catcher in the Rye and Luna is trying to read it even though she prefers beautiful and poetic and this is anything but. She is still trying because she wants to be away, far away from this. Her parents are yelling again and it's so loud and bitter and harsh it leaves her aching inside. It's all dad's slurred yelling and mum's sharp words in a battle that's getting nowhere her caught in the middle of it. She breathes hard. It's almost painful. Luna doesn't remember when it all started. How can happy things morph into such disdain? she wipes away a stray tear. It's fine though because she is still trying to read this book even though she likes beautiful and poetic and this is anything but, about a boy who is pretty lousy and ungrateful because it keeps her thinking about anything but the chaos and fighting down stairs but more importantly in her mind.

She can't help it creeping on her. Is she lousy and ungrateful too? it's her fault isn't it? guilty,guilty guilty. Do things get better for this boy in the book? Will things get better for her? No. it's too much. Too much. she's sullen.

She needs to get out of here. Quietly, tip toeing, she scurries down the stairs and sneaks out through the front door, unheard over the sound of breaking china from the kitchen ,clutching the book in her hand hard and digging her fingers into the binding till the colour drained from her fingers.

Pacing in the frigid wind, she opens a door with a metallic whine to her neighbour's back yard without hesitation because it was practically her home too and went in to climb the ladder to the tree house in hopes to ease her ailing once more. Friday nights were usually spent out in the styles home and it was pretty late so Luna was surprised to have sauntered in to find her sort of disheveled best friend in the corner, head hung low fiddling and folding some paper. The stress and anger in her bones seemed to dissipate at the sight of the beautiful boy in front of her.

"Harry?" she says sitting beside him locking their arm

"Luna." He didn't pull away.

He opened her palm and placed a single paper flower on it. She caged her fingers over it.

that's when she noticed the purple rings around his eyes, his eyes that are always so, so green were tired and red with bags underneath him. There is sorrow etched on his expression and stray tears rolling down to where his dimple would be. No no no. This was the boy who was always happy, making others happy too. what happened? why hadn't she noticed before? Circumstance mocks Luna, furrowed brows and silent pleas. She's guilty guilty guilty. What could she possibly feel sad about when there's a beautiful boy in front of her who's sadder? The aching inside her comes back ripping through. Harry promised that he'd be there "always, lovely" when she sobbed on his shoulder. Harry always gives gives gives and Luna is guilty guilty guilty because she didn't notice before how can she be sad when he's sadder?

"tell me what happened harry." She says in a fragile whisper, pulling him close so she doesn't have to see the sadness in his eyes that are always so, so green.

"it's Gemma." her thoughts start reeling. 

Gemma is like the older sister Luna never had, warm and responsible. But growing up is a funny thing you know, she became busy. Doing big girl things. It's okay because she still loves her, and she's okay right? Luna never thought about it until now. Guilty guilty guilty.

She immediately retracted and looked at harry with a expectant and horror stricken gaze at the possibility that she- No. It cant be.

"No luna, god no." harry says in response. Relief.

And then she listens, she listens to what is making this beautiful boy sad and holds him because that's all she can do. Wondering, because at fourteen she can't fathom her feelings to fill the holes of confusion and at fifteen he can't understand why circumstance stains their childhood.


Hello, it's been a while I know. I'm sorry. I didn't know where I was going with this story but now I think I'm alright. Please vote or drop me a comment or two and tell me your thoughts because I'd love to read them. You can dm me any ideas to if you have . Your support and feed back means everything. A new chapter will be up very soon.

Love, A

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