This junk I wright 3

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Heyy everyone! Hope you like this chapter! Matt just miiiight take Luna on a date o O! XD Plz fan vote and coment!

Luna's POV.

"Sooo Matt how was your summer?" I asked not knowing what else to ask. We where friends when we where kids but that was win we where 3 and just moved here. Then we turned 13 and he hung out with this girl down the street who was the then It girl. "Oh it was...... Good. Kinda boring." I nodded not knowing what else to say. I looked at the doors squeeking open and Kat Willson the Now It girl walked up to us. "Hi Matt!..... Luna Hiiii how are you?" I was going to say something back but then she leaned down and said "Move" I gaped at her. "Whaa Wait what???" She laughed "You know what I said. Move he dosent want to sit with a no one like you, Do you Matt?" She asked sweetly. Red hot tears where welling up in my eyes and I was grabing my books when "No Luna " He said holding my solder lightly " Why dosent Kat go find someone else to sit with sence everyone is dieing to sit with her." I smiled at him And sat back down. She just sniffed and stalked down the hall of the bus. Me and Matt talked just like old times again all the way to school. I smiled to myself.

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