Chapter 2: A boy, then a 'party'

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After I finished shopping I came home and the sun had nearly disappeared behind the small in that I was staying in. Bags full of clothes,books and other useless stuff that I bought were hanging of anyplace on my arms that they could. When I opened the door to the inn a huge group of men looked my way and a kind man about my age offered to help me carry them. To tell you the truth my arms were killing me. I gratefully replied "yes thank you. What would be your name, I believe I should now as you are carry my stuff" I added when he looked away as if he wasn't going to answer. He huffed and then answered obviously seeing the sense in the question "Gellan." He replied quietly when we reached my rooms he placed the bags on the floor and took the bags I had and also placed them on the floor I filed through my pockets on my pants and found the key and turned it in the key hole. As I opened the door Gellan said "well have a good day, miss. Wait I didn't catch you name" turning around again I then turned to him "Oh sorry my name is Elain" I replied using my fake name. As he started to walk away again i said "do you wanna come in? You looked kinda lonely sitting at that table by yourself" he then said to me smiling "actually I wouldn't mind some company". We both went in and sat at the small table after we placed the bags on my bed and started talking "So what books have you got there?" Gellan asked me peering at the bag with books protruding from it. "Oh... Um... Nothing. Do you have a job?" I replied trying to change the subject. The books that I bought were mostly stories of romance and today all those books were. "I'm a... Carpenter" Gellan said "how 'bout you Elain?" He then asked " well I am a bookwriter I travel from place to place gathering books for my library most of the time for inspiration and I do it myself to gain a sense of adventure so I can convey that sense in my books that I write." I lied "Wow I have always wanted to know a book writer I love reading my self." Gellan said falling victim to the lie. His words contained something that I don't hear much. I thought about it for a moment... Ah thats it! He... Wait he said that with awe? I thought oh no I've finally done it lied my self into a corner... "What brings a carpenter to this town?" I asked him knowing fully that he was not a carpenter because when I asked him he paused and then answered. "Well I came to this town because I heard that the castle had some amazing works of supreme carpentry I'm only an apprentice so I need to learn." He had some pretty well thought out lies as the carpentry of the castle was unmatched across all of the land. We talked on for hours and when it finally started to get dark he decided to leave for his rooms. Good timing Gellan! Now I have to wait for only a little bit then go to the meeting. I thought as I started getting ready for the night. Naturally I wore a dress but I had multiple knives strapped to my legs and arms. My hair was tied up and done really well and had pins and flowers all in it. When I left for the party a few of the perverted men in the tavern said I should stay with them tonight but I ignored them and kept walking. I walked out of town and onto a dark road. I arrived at the huge manor that was outside the castles town and down a long, dusty and dark road. I reached the door and knocked three times, I stood there in wait for an answer and finally I heard faint footsteps inside the house. The iron covered wooden door finally creaked open and you would never have guessed who was standing there... Gellan. We bother gaped at each other for a few seconds but following protocol smartened up and he said "Welcome to the party miss..." He looked at a lost pretending to not know my name "Elain, please follow me." Gellan led me into the house and once we were out of earshot from anyone outside I said "Gellan what are you doing here! Wait Gellan isn't your name is it?" "No Elain that is not my name but I'll tell you later but only in return for your actual name." He replied. Then we walked into the manors ballroom, the biggest room in the house and the Lord of Polesthien was standing on a risen platform.

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