Methanic Fief

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Alda's P.O.V
The exhausted horse trotted slowly while the equally exhausted boy on top of him slept, the horse tried to wake the boy up by shaking his whole length, immediately the boy or more correctly, the man, woke up and he sat erect and he looked around forgetting where he was. The little brown shaggy pony whinnied and Alda suddenly remembered.
"Good girl," Alda muttered to the horse, it was a specially trained horse and this was just one of its many signals, this particular one meaning something new was in sight. Alda rubbed the horses elegant neck and pulled slightly on the reigns and the horse immediately stopped. Alda stared at the few tiny lights a couple of hundred meters a head of him, even with those lights it was extremely hard to see what it was, the night sounds continued  as Alda stared around him looking for any sort of landmark the would help him recognize  where he was. The moon he realized had set about an hour ago leaving most the land in pitch darkness.
" Argh! Those lights are pathetic! I can't see a thing! Raine stay!" Alda said the last two words quietly only audible to the horse. Alda swung of the horse and silently began moving to the edge of the forest that boarded the left side of the rough dirt path. Moving from one patch of cover to the other Alda ghosted towards the lights making no sound, he was trained in the arts of unseen movements as it was one of the things taught in the assassin league. Finally Alda came within 20 meters of what he now saw as a small town and towering above it in the distance was the huge grey figure of Methanic Castle. In sudden realization Alda knew where he was, his destination.

Alda dressed in common clothes walked along side his horse at about the 7 hour of the morning, pretending he was a commoner, he walked past the guards at the entrance to the town without drawing a second glance. The sound of Raine's hooves became louder as they walked on to the cobblestone paths that lined the whole town, the previous night Alda had studied the the towns layout on the map and now he knew it off by heart and made a beeline for the stables. Finally reaching the side of the town where the stables were and consequently was also the closest part of the town to the castle giving Alda a great view of the beautiful castle, obviously the lord that created this castle had hired the best mason workers in the known world. Despite his training he let his mouth drop open, of course just then a local lady walked past and said
"Be careful flies might make a home in your mouth if you leave it open too long," she smiled and him and he closed his mouth making an almost inaudible clop. Alda watched her walking away and, remembered that dazzling smile, he saw probably half a dozen paper shopping bags hanging of her arms he was sure he could see books hanging out of the bags. He could only see a few of them, catching at title of one particular book,which was blue with and intricate golden rim,  he stifled a laugh, the tile was "two little love birds" he read that book a couple days previous and found it extremely boring.  He placed his horse in the stables and wandered of to find a decent tavern when he found one he walked towards it and the lady who talked to him before entered the tavern with about another half dozen bags hanging off her arms almost obscuring her green cotton shirt and intricately designed leather pants. He noticed her strawberry blonde hair swinging behind her as she entered the tavern and realized she was stunning. Silently he entered behind her and the only person who noticed was the bar tender.

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