Chapter 4

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Tears of blood is what the monsters crave. Almost like vampires they feed off it. It's their way of taking control over the hurt. They whisper into your ear, do it control the pain relieve the pain. Their whispers are so loud and powerful that we do as they say. So she walks slowly to her dresser draw digging deep into it pulling out a razor and slowly dropping to the ground.
She pulls up her sleeve and begins what the monster calls "her body art" but this is no "art" it's destruction of ones own body.
Slashing across her arms side to side moving upwards, watching the blood seep from her veins.
Now the monster is satisfied, for now. But just for a moment, the monster still makes sure to fill her head with all of the dreadful memories of her worst moments. The monster keeps her up all night, no sleep is required for the monster. The less sleep she gets the more powerful the monster is.
The monster is like a ghost of ones self, but evil. The ghost swirls around you, brushing it's ice cold fingers across your body whispering not to you giving you chills. The monster is you, but not. It's the darkest parts of you all combined to make one monster. All your life you have to figure out how, how to defeat this monster.
Some are lucky they are born fighters. Others are born victims that learn to fight. Unfortunately some aren't able to fight. Instead they take the easy way out, death. But it is not them that kill themselves but yet their monster they had. They died from sadness not from suicide.
The monster is the one that ties the rope into a nyse, and it is the one that wraps the necks of the innocent in the rope that burns their skin from the tight pulling.
For it is they the monsters that hold the gun to ones head. For they are the ones that pull the trigger.
For it is they, who opens the bottle of pills and stuffed them down ones throat. The monsters are the ones that steal the light of the world. They are the ones that make everything go black. Making everything, stop. They make everything stop. From your last sight, to your last breath. They control it all.

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