-Chapter 3 Tragedy-

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Troye's POV

"The reason death sticks so closely to life isn't biological necessity – its envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can."

- Yann Martel, Life of Pi.

"Emily! Emily!" My head whipped round as I heard Tyler's panicked cries of our daughters name, pushing myself off the sand in one swift movement. Immediately my heart was in my throat, my chest was heaving and my eyes darted around the coastline like speedy bullets. Casting a look at Lucas to make sure he was okay I began sprinting towards the ocean, my feet snapping at each other as I fought against the urge to fall or trip. As a child my mother always told me I would understand the protectiveness you feel for your children when I was older and now I wanted to garb her and wrap her in my arms like a cage, shielding her form everything that could hurt her. I came to an abrupt halt at the edge of the sand where Tyler looked into the water with tear filled eyes.

"Troye," he looked at me with a choked sob as he stumbled over his words, "I can't go in, you have to find her." With a nod I leaped into the water, as the waves immediately latched onto my legs threatening to drag me under. I took in one large breath before diving under the water where I was enveloped in silence. I opened my eyes and was welcomed with a painful sting but I eagerly battled against it as I caught sight of two blonde pigtails. With a start I began swimming towards her frantically, reaching out my hand and grasping onto her arm with pathological force. Once I had a firm grip on her, I thrusted myself up towards the surface feeling the water break either side of me as I let out a heavy breath of air.

"Daddy!" She sobbed instantly as she wrapped both arms around my neck and clung to me with terror. I instantly returned the hold, wrapping my arms around her and yanking her against my chest while breathing in her scent. My heart raced in my chest as I let my eyes flutter shut, the water gently lapping round us with a warm embrace. I gently moved her round to my back where she buried her face in between my shoulder blades and let out another sob. I began paddling towards the water and soon felt the dry sand under my feet again where Emily was practically ripped off my back by Tyler. He fell to the ground and sat her in his lap, stroking her hair and shushing her while he bit his lip to attempt to stop his tears. I felt a surge of sympathy rush through me as he looked so helpless.

"Daddy...I wanted to see...to see the fishes, I promise!" She let out between sobs, trying to explain her actions but Tyler was too caught up in having a go at himself. I leaned down and calmed her quietly, before leaning over to Tyler and cupping his face in my hands. He looked up at me and released his bottom lip from his teeth, letting out a shaky breath. I just smiled at him softly, watching as he hiccupped quietly before pulling himself together. Making sure he had Emily in his arms he lifted her and I stood with him, wrapping my arm around his waist while placing a kiss on her forehead. He looked up at me and I studied his eyes as they filled with strength. Tyler hated to appear the weak one especially to the children. I leaned in a placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away and smiling at him.

"There you are! We've been looking for you all morning!" We were interrupted by Alfie's loud voice as he waved at us, his wife looking rather ashamed at his interruption. Instead I just smiled at them both, beckoning them over as Emily struggled in Tyler's arms, eager to greet her new friends. Ever since she met Alfie she was always desperate to see him and I watched as she bounded over to him and launched onto his leg, fastening herself there. He threw his head back in laughter and reached down to lift her up, rubbing his beard on her cheek as she giggle with glee. Zoe smiled at the picture and made her way over to us, giving both of us a hug.

"Sorry if we were interrupting. Alfie just gets so ahead of himself I struggle to calm him down. He's taken quite a liking the both of you." I watched as Tyler waved it off, indulging in a conversation with her as we made her way to the pool. I felt my thoughts wander as I spotted Emily still babbling to Alfie, Lucas running around all of us with his arms out like a plane and... my heart thumped painfully as I realised my other son was still not here. Christmas had been a terrible affair and I had balanced on the verge of tears all day, trying to be cheery for the kids. He refused to come out of the room and refused to come to the beach this morning. I yearned for him to just come down so I could fix all of this but Tyler persuaded me to just leave him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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