The Girl Who Cried "Vampire!"

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A/N: Oh my god guys I haven't updated in like 10 years! I am so sorry! My writer's block on this chapter was such a bitch! I had written a lot of the book already but for some reason I didn't like where the story was going, so I had to rewrite a lot... I'm sorry again loves

The sun had finally decided to departure from the skies as the light of the moon overtook Los' Angeles. The five of us were cooped up together in the briefing room of Angel's office, looking over Gunn's most recent case. Angel was outside paying for the pizza we had ordered awhile ago. I had gradually moved to Angel's seat at the oval table. The only noises that could be heard were the swiping of papers being turned from right to left. I leaned in a bit to show Gunn something I had found.

"The majority of the contract looks fine, but I did find a few opportunities for loopholes. These guys are quite ruthless so I'm positive they'll try to use that against you." I explained to him simply. He nods in agreement and takes the document looking it over with my notes. "I'll make sure to fix that as soon as possible, thanks again." He says gratefully.

"No problem, Charles." I respond with a slight smile. He chuckles deeply, "Again with the Charles, it's Gunn." I smile innocently. "Right, Gunn, I'm sorry." My curiosity got the best of me yet again and suddenly I was reading his mind.

"Wow. You are so beautiful. Cool it Charles, you're staring! Remember the last time you know how that ended." I think I remember Fred mentioning something about her and Gunn. Now I wished I didn't have such a curious mind. I wasn't interested in a relationship at the moment. I hardly even thought about it honestly and I had never had a serious boyfriend... like ever. For christsakes my whole town hated me.

Just then Angel comes through the door with three large pizza boxes and a slice in his mouth. "Get it while it's hot guys!" I frown while eyeing the vampire, but make sure to reach over and grab a slice. Though eventually Angel caught me staring. "You eyeballing me kid?" He questioned me in a sarcastic tone. But I knew he meant it playfully. "I thought vampires didn't eat human food. This is the first time I've seen this from your kind." I analyze with a slight smirk.

He shrugged his broad shoulders after finishing the thin slice that had seemed to disappear within seconds. "Human food helps with the taste of blood, gives it a kick."

"Ooohh." I respond with a slight nod. "Seems logical enough." The thought of pizza brought back a reminder for my weekend. "Speaking of food, Fred we still on for that sleep over this weekend?" I ask Fred from across the table. She smiled and removed her glasses focusing her eyes away from the documents, now on me.

"Of course! You bring the movies and I'll bring the corn." I smiled brightly at her reference to popcorn. She was so adorable. We had become quite close and our relationship grew stronger almost everyday. I could honestly say, Fred, was like the sister I always wanted. Nothing like, Arielle.

"You put too much faith in me, Fred. Trust me, one cinematic experience with me will change your life for good." I said with a mischievious grin. "I'll have to hold you to that then."

"So you guys are just gonna have a sleep over and not invite us?" Lauren commented pretending to look hurt on the matter. "It's a girls' thing Lauren, you simply wouldn't fit in." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips when his face changed from hurt to devastated.

* * *

A few weeks later I left pretty late. The office was immensely silent and hallow without the life that the employees provided. Fred and I were the last two still here, well that is.. besides, Angel. He lived here so he never really left unless there was danger some where.

"Alright, Fred I'm off. Please try to get home at a reasonable time, and get some rest for me." I say with exhaustion in my voice. It had been such a long day for the both of us. Working on some new weapons for Angel, to use within the next few days. We just couldn't figure the darn thing out!

"I will Ora, go get some sleep." She says with a warm smile.

"Promise?" I questioned.


I had decided to walk to work this week. I felt as though I had gained a bit of weight, which I didn't take a liking to, so why not walk it off? Now when I say a bit I do mean about five pounds, but to me that was five pounds too many. Not that I particularly wanted to be "skinny" or a goddamn stick. I quite liked my curves and the feeling of my thighs touching, but being that from time to time, I had to protect myself in a fight against a not-so-weak opponent, me staying fit was actually very important. But god could I use a pizza right now.

Walking down the slightly empty dark streets of L.A. it started to feel rather eery around me. The hairs on my arms stood on end and I could sense another's presence. Someone was following me.

Making a sharp turn I entered into an irrationally dark alley and proceeded to press my back to the dampened wall. I glanced down to see the silhouette of a tall male in the moist concrete. As he stepped closer to the entrance I let the hidden stake I keep tucked under my arm slide into my left hand.

I could smell that thing from a mile away. "Vampire." I sneered in a hush tone as I punched him in the face when he turned to enter the alley. He retaliated quickly, by making a swing at me, but I easily blocked it using another punch as a distraction to stake his still heart.

I sighed in relaxation, knowing my job was done. But the scent was still quite prominent. "Ugh fucking vampires!" I swore irritably watching my surroundings, awaiting another attack. As if on cue, three more blood suckers jumped down from the buildings we were between.

The first swung at me, hitting me with a swift upper cut. The second used it to his advantage, kicking me in the back which caused me to fall to the ground, my stake rolling to the side on the moist concrete. I turned around just in time to avoid the third vampire's knife.

Quickly rolling to the side I grabbed my stake and leaned up stabbing the armed vamp right in the heart. "A knife? Really?"

Angel's POV:

After waking up from yet another nightmare, I decided a little fresh air from the office was overdue. I put on one of my black T-shirt and slipped on a pair of jeans, and made my way to the private elevator in my room, up to my office.

Walking out of the mahogany double doors of my office I found a deserted office floor. Damn it's quiet in here. Just as I was about to make my way to the elevator the front desk telephone rung. "Who the hell would be calling at this hour?" I mumbled to myself as I slowly made my way over to the desk, that Harmony usually occupies.

For some reason I had quite the horrid feeling about this with every ring of the piercing phone. Hesitantly, I answered the call, stopping the ringing going through the room. "Angel speaking..." I greeted suspiciously.

"Angel- *cough*... Please help me I- I.... I can't stay awake-" Aroura!? I instinctively knew it was her. She was hurt and I had to do everything in my power to get to her. "Where are you!? What happened!?" I questioned her with imminent amount of fear in my voice. "....The alley....." Her shaken and frail voice respond, but then the call went dead! I couldn't even hear her labored breathing through the phone anymore.

"Fuck! Guys wake up, we got a problem!!"

Queen of the Dead - Queen is Dead

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