Chapter 14

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I tried to avoid everyone for awhile. The farther I was the safer my friends were.

Marlee accepted this, writing it off as me being my usual, introverted self. The only times we communicated were during the short hours she worked at the store after class. Even during these occasions we didn't chat much. After only receiving small nods and "oh wow"s she gave up trying to entertain me. Her friend's Charlotte and Spencer seemed pleased when I declined Marlee's final offer to go out with them --Charlotte especially. They stayed in their world and I stayed in mine.

Niall proved to be a bit more stubborn. At first he went along with my lame excuses. I stopped hanging out with him on the weekends and rushed out of work before he could meet me on my way home. I completely avoided the record shop even though he only worked there once a week. My plan was nearly destroyed when he called inviting me to the 'around the world' drinking party happening on his floor, threatening to come and get me if I said no. Convincing him that I was out to dinner was the only thing keeping him from breaking into my apartment.

Obviously, there was no need to avoid Dean. He was Dean.

It appeared that Harry had been avoiding me as much as I was avoiding him. He made no effort to call or follow me which was unwonted due to the general concern he presented for my situation. He finally figured it was more trouble than it was worth.

While the total lack of human interaction was bothersome, it did give me time to mull things over. Moving again was out of the picture and unproductive. For starters, the finances weren't there and wouldn't be for awhile. And even if I found myself in another city, Luke's resources were infinite, having friends in all the right places. I'd give it under a week until he found me again.

And where would I even go? The thought of starting over again repulsed me.

The fact that it had been almost seven full days since the irruption and Luke's end had remained silent was unsettling for me as well. Him and his boys weren't ones to let go of a grudge, and betrayal was where they drew the line. I couldn't comprehend for the life of me why they hadn't completed the job Kyle had started. I was dependent and unarmed, practically begging to be sentenced and oppressed for my crimes. Why I wasn't already back in Colchester was beyond me.

What was he waiting for?

This rebus gave me goosebumps, as I was reminded of it everyday and just how clueless I was. Somewhere in the back of my mind I understood that there was something devastating waiting for in my future, compliments of Luke. The only question would be his depth of destruction.

I nuzzled closer into the leather armchair and let out a small, sleepy whimper. My tight neck craned around the chair in search for Dean. The coast was clear so I stood  from my seat and stretched, my back and several other places cracking. Another relaxing day at the office.

I ran my tongue against the inside of my mouth, cringing once I discovered the chewed up skin inside my lip. I puffed out an angry sigh as I spotted Stephen King's, Carrie on the floor besides me, the last book I had explored before dosing off. Even as a child, Charlie, my aunt, and my few friends had never failed to point out the strange habits I adopted while reading --habits which included mindlessly gnawing on my lips.

I snatched the book off the floor and placed it back on the shelf, taking a mental note of where I left off. Naïve  Sue Snell had finally persuaded Tommy to make new plans for prom just before I had fallen asleep. Little did she know she had just sealed his deadly fate.

"I'll be outside." A jaded voice informed from behind me.

After having a minor heart attack, I spun around to find Dean fiddling with something in his pocket --probably cigarettes. He had been
up front packaging online orders all morning, conveniently busy until after I had awoken from my forbidden nap.

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