Chapter 5

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I pushed open the bulky school doors with all the force my weak arms could muster and rushed down the stone steps. A relaxing breeze blew loose strands of hair around my face and caused my blazer to open, chaotically flapping around me in the wind.

The bright sun warmed my forehead as I strode past the groups of talkative minors rushing towards their buses. Small crowds of students sat around an area of benches laughing with their friends while athletes dashed through the mess of adolescents, struggling to reach the practice fields without dropping their gear. There was an undeniable feeling of freedom in the air now that the final bell had rung and the academic day was over, releasing an army of teens into the courtyard.

I adjusted the straps of my bag before continuing towards the sidewalk.

I followed the same routine everyday. After school let out I would meet Charlie at the cross walk and we would go home together, arriving just before our aunt left for work. Only today was different.

Charlie was home sick with the flu, vomiting and coughing up his guts, which meant I had to walk by my self. I didn't mind though. The walk was relatively short and it gave me time to think.

I plugged in my head phones to block out the obnoxious street noise and rounded the next block.

The sky overhead was a concerning grey indicating rain would be arriving soon. I immediately regretted failing to remember an umbrella.

No trace of water damage to my new uniform would go unnoticed to my aunt. I knew she would have a conniption if it was polluted in any way.

Money was tight lately with me starting high school and Charlie's therapy. I was old enough now to know that any more unattainable expenses could compromise our already cramped situation.

I picked up my pace down the busy sidewalk hoping to avoid any chance of precipitation.

I could feel the backs of my shoes beginning to rub on my ankles, doubtlessly creating blisters. I grimaced in pain, turning right at the next intersection.

My eyes focused on an unfamiliar figure up ahead. A handsome male stood slouched against the corner store window, his soft blue eyes meeting mine.

All it took was that one causal glance to heat my cheeks. I found him to be exceedingly attractive and tended to act awkward around the boys of my affection.

I picked up my pace as I walked past him, settling my eyes straight ahead and trying to avoid any more humiliation.

As I walked past I could feel his eyes following, burning my cheeks. I chewed on my bottom lip uncomfortably.

Most boys didn't pay any attention to me.

"HEY." He called out.

I turned and raised an eyebrow, my heart racing.

"Hi." I replied timidly, unsure if his words were conducted at me.

"What's your name?" He questioned.

My mind flashed back to the numerous lectures both Charlie and I had received from our Aunt Kathy, warning us about the hazards of strangers.

"Wren." I spoke, trying to keep my voice even.

Kathy's voice mocked in the back of my mind, reminding me to never give out my personal information.

"Why are you walking alone?" He asked airily, fiddling with a pack of cigarettes.


"You usually walk with a boy."

My mind picked up speed, racing at 100 miles per hour.

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