A New Person?

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I knew that Lockwood had put out a notice to hire someone else, but I didn't think anyone would actually see it and think, "Hey, why not apply!". I envisioned someone coming to us as their last resort, like I did. When the doorbell rang, Lockwood got up, looking as though he was a bit ticked off. I'm assuming he thought it was DEPRAC, since they seem to like us a lot.
George and I followed, hoping it was just mail. Instead, a girl stood behind the iron line, waiting. Lockwood opened the door, and smiled brightly.
"Hello, I'm here for the interview? I'm sorry it's a bit late, but I have been busy trying to get my things together and making the trip to London."
"Oh, it's alright. Come in, would you like some tea?"
"Yes please."
"Okay, then. George could you put the kettle on?"
"Uh, sure."
Lockwood led her to the sitting room and she sat on the couch opposite lockwood and me. Her name was Lisette. She looked about fifteen, and was a little shorter than me. She had red hair, and violet eyes. On another person it would have looked odd. But with her small, pixie like features, it suited her quite well. She was wearing jeans, with a long sleeve black shirt. She had a fitted double breasted coat, and a white scarf tied around her neck loosely. Her brown boots laced up and hid beneath her jeans. They were well worn, almost falling apart.
She had a quiet demeanor, and seemed very insecure. She kept fingering the bracelet on her wrist, as though she was really nervous.
When George came back with the tea, she took her cup and set it down as quietly as possible. Lockwood took a sip, then began testing her abilities. She was okay with Sight and Listening, but Touch was where she shined. After the interview, Lockwood, George, and I went to the kitchen to talk.
"She fits the bill," George said.
I nodded in agreement." I think we should hire her."
Lockwood smiled. "I'm glad you both agree. Shall we go and tell her?"
Back in the sitting room, she was fingering the bracelet and waiting silently.
"Miss Ashton, you have the job."
"Thank you so much!" She smiled at lockwood, and suddenly I had a feeling I wasn't going to like her much.

Hello!!!! Since I saw the dedline for the wattys was the 31st, I decided to take this out of the running. Instead, it will be entered next year. I want this to be longer than my previous story, and I know it will take a while for me to finish it. Bye!!!!!

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