Chapter 1: Master Troy and Master Zane

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Lacey's pov:

"Get up you little bitch!" Master Troy said with his hand in the air about to hit me but instead he stops and just smirks.

I get up in a panic scared for what will happen next. He violently grabs me by the arm and leads me to what I think is the dining room. There was a table looked to be at least 15-20 years old. Its was an old light brown grayish kind of wood. The chairs matched the table. There were four chairs but one of the legs on the third chair was completely broken and looked like if you attempted to sit on it you would end up on the ground. There was broken beer bottles and garbage all over the floor. The lighting was horrible and there was some sort of dead animal/puke small lingering. Now there is a new dark brown table and plastic chairs. There's still broken glass on the ground but less garbage. The smell of dead bodies and puke still stayed but that couldn't be removed easily unless Master Troy and Master Zane let us all go or at least stop abusing us. When there was finally enough lighting I saw Master Troy for the first time and boy do I regret trying to see what he looked like but I couldn't stop staring. He had at least four scars on his face. It looked like he had a glass eye and the biggest nose ever. His bottom lip was tiny and his top was really big. He looked so odd. He had jet black hair that was long but not too long. That man had to be at least 6"3 and was very muscular.

"What the fuck is wrong!" Master Troy yelled while smacking me straight in the face "Stop staring didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude!" After he put his cold hand on my face I felt a hot tear trickle down and Master Troy noticed "Oh grow up!"

He brought me up the stairs again and through a hallway. The stairs were an old brownish color and the hallway had tacky/creepy wallpaper. There was a mirror in the hallway. When i looked in the mirror there was a huge red hand print on my cheek. When we got to a bedroom which I assumed was the master he threw me to my knees in front of another big bulky man just like the one that brought me there. This one had blonde singed hair. He had a five o'clock shadow and a small but pointy nose. His arms seemed to be longer than the norm but his legs were very short. He was super muscular just like the other one. This one had a weird creepy vibe to him. As soon as I walked into the room I knew I wanted to do what ever I could yo get out of there as soon as possible.

"So this is one of the two girls you picked up today?" Master Zane said while examining me "She will do. How old is she and where is the other one"

"She is 7 years old and I will go get the other one right now" Master Troy said and with that he was gone. Now it was just me and this gigantic man.

"Ok this is how it's gonna work my name is Zane and the man that just brought you here is named Troy you will call us Master Zane and Mater Troy and if you don't then this is where you will be left" he said while directing me to the closet "what you see here is the hanging rope we will hang you here for as long as we want if you do something we don't appreciate" he closes the closet door and leads me into a small bedroom with 5 bunk beds. "This is where you will be staying from now on. You will be rooming with the other girls that are staying here. When me and troy tell you to do something you do it. We don't care how tired you are and we definitely don't care how hard it is to do. From now on you are our servants" he finished explaining the rules to me and then left.

What does he mean by "i am his servant". What does he mean by that. When can I go home?

That night I lied in bed crying for hours. I didn't what was going on. Where was I. Where was Finley? What time was it? All these questions where rushing through my head and I couldn't stop thinking.

I just couldn't wrap my head around all of it

"Lacey? Is that you?" I heard a faint voice call out for me

"Who is that" I say firmly afraid to find out "Show your self!"

"Its me Finley!" she said while running to hug me. I was so happy to see her! I was happy that they didn't take her away! I was happy they didn't...kill her.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" I asked concerned

"No they just showed me around the place and told me that from now on we do what they say or else they'll beat us" she says with tears forming in her eyes

I gently wipe them away and tell her everything will be all right. That night we cried ourselves to sleep. We both knew that was just the beginning of the worst nightmare and we were right.


Hey guys!!!! Sooo Did u guys like it? Please comment your thoughts and ideas cause im always open to them! Can you guys guess what will happen next chapter? No? Guess you'll just have to wait for the next update


-Abby :-P

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