Fights .jordan

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Your POV



Jordan and I have been fighting a lot and its really, really annoying. He never takes my side on anything. We've been together for 10 months. I thought he was the one.

"I WAS EDITING AND SPENCER CLAIMED THAT I DIDN'T UPLOAD THE HOTSEAT VIDEO! I FUCKING DID! GO CHECK THE DAMN CHANNEL!" We were fighting in the office so everyone could sadly hear us. I asked Jordan if I could talk to him outside but he refused. "IT'S NOT SHOWING UP ON THE CHANNEL!" "I ASKED THE FANS AND SOME SENT ME SCREENSHOTS OF THE VIDEO ON THE CHANNEL! LOOK!" I grabbed my phone from my pocket and was about to show him when I heard Jordan mumble. 'Why am I with you?'. I heard him whisper. "I DON'T KNOW JORDAN?! WHY ARE YOU WITH ME IF YOU HATE ME!?" I stomped out of his office and towards the door.

"Y/N! NO! NO!" Jordan screamed. "FUCK YOU JORDAN! IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE WITH ME THEN WHY SHOULD I STAY WITH YOU?!" I left the office and the last thing I hear was Jordan crying and screaming. "WHY?!" Is what I heard.

1 week later
Since I worked at the office I kinda had to go in. I have been staying at Stefani's and had gotten multiple calls and texts from the boys asking if I was ok. None from Jordan.

"You wanna go now?" She asked. "Yup. Lets go"

At the office

Jordan hasn't been in the office which was kinda a relief. I thought he would try to at least get in contact but nope.

I got to work when I heard Jordan's office door open. Thinking it was one of the guys looking for something I decided to go help them.

I walked in to see Jordan. I tried to leave but Jordan was quick and grabbed my hand. "Y/N. I'm sorry. I know why I'm with you. Because tote the most amazing girl I have ever met. I don't regret it at all. Please come back home." I sighed and turned around and kissed him. "I love you Jordan."

"I'm sorry."

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