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[[E P I L O G U E]]

i watched as little ivory walked down the aisle, throwing rose petals on the ground.

her bright smile shone.

ever since ireland and i got together, i took ivory in as my own.

she called me dad as i'd introduce her as my daughter.

i had proposed to ireland the night i confessed my love to her.

i didn't have a ring, but i had love.

true, sweet, love.

ivory made her way to her spot as the music my soon-to-be-wife wanted playing as she walked down the aisle began to play.

i stared down the aisle as i saw the love of my life dressed in a long beautiful dress walk down the aisle.

and to think, a couple of years ago i was scared to ask for her name.

now i'm going to marry her.

i love you, ireland.

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