fuck all

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After everything with my dad I turned to many different things for comfort and love from men to womeni even did drugs and drank my life away. As I got older things got harder I eventually stopped trying drugs and stuck with weed and drinking to this day I still drink but not as much as I used to. Anyways I kept moving home on day I'm with my grandmother then I'm with my dad and his now ex girlfriend I loved his ex and still to this day I love her she is like a second mother she was someone I could talk yo about anything even if it was silly to other people. When my dad moved me out of their house I was alone yet again and went to my grandmother's house again. She was beyond stricked I now know why but back then I didn't I wanted to do my own thing and stop living a sheltered life from everyone I started going to uni middle school it was fun f2f me because that's where I meet audi, and some other friends I really don't speak to anymore and forgot their names. Audi and I were best friends we hung out everyday my cousin shuneza even went to the school she was a grade above me and I thought she was my close cousin until she made my life a living hell now I have to tell you I have dyslexia which means most of my words and numbers switch which makes me read slow and it also makes me horrible at math we will get into more of that when I hit height school. Now going to that school I was in the band and on the track team I didn't have a boyfriend until I hit 8th grade bit in 7th grade I I almost got into a fight because this girl's name was Courtney Cox and my friends and I used to make fun of her she got upset got into my face and I almost spazed out but or gym teacher came and broke it up before it started.Things at that school was everything for me then I hit 8th grade that's when I got wild I started wearing tight clothes dancing freaky the whole nine yard I ended up getting a boyfriend named Denzel he was a football player strong cute long hair and I liked him a lot one day I even have him a lap dance at school we started dating after he was throwing paper and stuff at me and I got up and threw a text book at his head it nearly missed but then I got in trouble but got off because the principal liked me she was very cool in my book. That's our story because we didn't last long I was older and eventually graduated to the 9th grade which for me meant bigger and better things.

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