Chapter 20

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Harry's POV : 

I Closed my Eyes , And Took One Step Forward , I Was Prepared To Feel my Body Hit the Ground , But Instead , I Was Grabbed backwards I Opened my Eyes To see Louis' Terrified Face Screaming in Mine 

Louis' POV : 

We Got into Harry's House Just in time !! I Saw Him About to Jump I grabbed him towards me with all i got of power . I Pulled him Close into my Chest... He Opened his eyes To me , I Kept Looking into other's faces as they came running behind me , as soon as i caught my breath i screamed into harry's Face 

" WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING !! " i Shouted as loud as i could 

He Looked to the Ground and He Started to tear " Jessica is gone , so you r why should i stay " 

"We aren't Gone " Niall Said " Wait ... are we ? " He Starting poking liam 

" Stop it Niall , Harry we're not mad at you anymore " He Said 

"What .. What about Zayn " He Asked 

" He's also Fine about it " i Smiled at him 

" Really ? What about Sarah " He Said turning from face to face 

" She's Fine , We'll tell You Later , Now Let's Get you to Zayn " Liam said 

We All Helped Harry Up As We Walked to my Car , As Soon as I Started to Drive , Liam was sitting beside me , Niall and Harry in the back seat 

" I Thought u guys will never come back for me " Harry said 

" Shut Up !! We'll Never Leave u Behind " I Said 

" U're All Stupid " Niall Said Hugging Harry 

" Look Who's Talking " Liam Mumbled 

" Hey ! i Heard that !! " Niall Said 

" U're Supposed To !! " I Sassed at him 

" Shut up U r All Dumb asses i hate you , Harry is Good " Niall Said 

" No .. " Harry Said 

" PICK A TEAM " Niall Said 

" I am There Team " Harry Said jokingly 

" Shut up i hate all of you , get off " Niall Said Pushing harry off 'his side' 

" That's my Car !! " I Said 

I Was Happy we Could Get Harry Back to his Cheeky mood , and Quick , Yes we Do Have our Effect , i Can't Believe Harry Was About to End His Whole Life Because Of Us , Because we werent Good Older Brothers , We werent there for him and gave him wrong advices , if something bad had happened to Harry , I'd never had forgave myself , Anyways , we had to go into DEEP Talking We Had to tell him about Sarah's news and Everything , and we Actually Did , Yes he cried , he felt guilty , but we made him feel better 

As We Reached the hospital , Niall Rushed into and He Got To Zayn Before Us , When we Got inside , Zayn Shouted at Harry 


That made Harry Giggle , then a moment of Awkward Silence 

" I- I am Sorry " Harry Mumbled into the ground 

" Its alright !! we know where Sarah is Right ? " Niall Looked at Zayn 

" Kind Of , I am Waiting for Amanda's Visit Tomorrow " Zayn Said 

" so Her Name is Amanda ? " I Asked 

" No ... I Didn't know her name , so i created one for her " Zayn Said 

"Weirdo " Niall Said 

" Why Don't U Just ask her "  Liam Asked

"Sor-ry I Was too Busy talking about my kidnapped girfriend " Zayn Sassed

"That's my boy " I Said Proudly at Zayn 

Sarah's POV : 

Night .. Again .. Can't wait for tomorrow , Zayn will know where i am , and i Shall get out of here , into his loving arms again , i miss him so freaking much ,  i miss our fights ... I miss everything .. I miss ... 

Suddenly Someone knocked on the Door 

" Who's It ?! " I Asked 

" Who would it be " I Heard a Famillair Voice 

" D-Dan ?! What are you doing here " I Asked standing up 

"Wanting to Know iF u changed ur mind .. " He said 

" Oh nooo Thanks !! " I Sassed 

" Then I Shall Change it for you " He Said Sinking the key in the key hole , My Heart Dropped as the door opened ,

 I Steped backwards as he walked towards me " What ? " I Said trying to sound brave, but i knew i was shaking 

He Didn't waste no time he rushed at me , I Screamed out loud before his lips met mine , I Kept screaming and strugling until i started to cry , Yeah i am a baby , i miss zayn , and then THIS comes , like , CRAP !! I THought this day was a good day !! 

I Closed my eyes , let that end , let that end please , his hands kept moving all over me , i did nothing but squeeze my eyes shut and keep on crying 

Suddenly i heard a BANG , I Opened my eyes and Gasped at the motionless Dan Falling on me , i screamed and pushed him away , he fell on the ground , i looked up to Find Jane , with a towel covering her body 

" I am Sorry " She Said throwing the pan she had hit Dan with 

I Just stared at her , she was wet and her hair with still dropping some water drops , i think my cry for help had reached her while she was bathing , i just stop there , speechless motionless , sobbing at what the hell just happened right now 

" Did he do anything ? " She said moving towards me " Did he hurt u ? " 

" No . " I Sobbed " If u didn't come he'd have ... thank you " I Hugged her 

" He'll be mad when he wake up right ? " I Said Looking at her

" He's drunk , he won't remember a thing , Now let's get u in my room " She Said grabbing me

We Went inside her room , she got Cloths for me " U Haven't showered for days right ? take these and shower , i will Get Dan to his bed and prepare something for us to eat , he won't be awake soon " She Said giving them to me 

I Nodded and got inside 

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