Truth or DARE?

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Song- Lean On by Major Lazer feat. MØ & DJ Snake
*Tyler's POV*
We were just chilling and drinking sodas looking cool (comment if you know the reference) Then Adam comes out of nowhere, with Jason and Mitch. Grace goes to them and gives them a hug, I felt my blood boil, I was a little jealous(maybe a lot) Jason put his arm around Grace, I started to turn my hands into fists, I was pissed, but I guess I should stay chill for now. I said hi to them too. "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Adam says. "OKKKK" Everyone says. "Who wants to go first?" "Meeee" I say waving my hand in the air. Everyone was sitting down. "Grace, truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth" she said. Shit. My moment was gone. I couldn't kiss her and be lovey-dovey with her anymore. "H-have you ever pissed on the bed when you were sleeping with a guy?" I asked. "Yes" she said. "Jason, Truth or Dare?" "Dare" he said with a smirk. "Kiss Me" she said. Me, Jerome, Mitch, and Jordan had angry and "WTF" looks on our faces Then she shoved her face in Jason's and they made out for a good 3 minutes. I was so fucking pissed, I might just do something I don't want to do...
*Jason's POV*
"Kiss me" she said. Tyler, Jordan, Jerome, and Mitch were so fucking pissed that their face was red. Especially Tyler. Then randomly Grace pushes her lips into mine. Tyler needed her the most, I should let Tyler have her. I don't deserve her, Tyler does. It was my turn "Tyler, truth or dare?" "Dare" he said. "Kiss Grace" "Ok!" He said happier than ever.
*Grace's POV*
I had to kiss Tyler. I had feelings for him though. He smirked and kissed me, I felt fireworks explode everywhere, I didn't let go until 30 minutes. I love Tyler.

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