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It was a week after the fight. The fight starting getting intense so Ian and Jason started fighting, but one thing led to another. Now they're in the hospital. Ian got stabbed and Jason got shot. We can only meet them at visiting hours, which sucks. But now, everyone's gone to do their own thing.(this is Grace's POV by the way). I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and South Park was on. It's one of my favourite TV Shows. Right when the show was going to start I got a phone call, goddamit. The phone ID said "Steven"(guess which Steven it is o_O)
"Heyya Grace!" He said with enthusiasm. "STEVEN OH MY GAWD ITS BEEN SO LONG" I yelled. "It's been long since you've had sex?" He asked curiously. "You stupid motherfucker", I mumbled facepalming myself. "SO HOWS LIFE? DID WILL MOVE OUT OF HIS FAMILY'S HOUSE? DID YOU GET A GIRLFRIEND? DOES WILL HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" I asked rushing. "Geez Grace, have some patience. Life's Good. Will moved out and he lives with me in Orlando(just pretend), I don't have a girlfriend, but Will has a girlfriend." "GAWD MAN, WHEN YOU GOING TO BE OCCUPIED?!?! EVEN WILL HAS A GIRLFRIEND, what's her name?" "Taylor" "I WANT TO MEET HER!" "You could meet her, but only if you keep this secret" he whispered. "What secret?" I asked cooly(if that's a word XD) "I think she's using Will for fame and sex" he whispered. "Really?" I whispered. "Yes really" he said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, I'm %1000 sure" he said back. "Ok. I believe you. I swear I'll keep this a secret." I said. "Ok, thanks for believing me. Maybe you wanna hang out tomorrow and troll some kids?" He asked me. "Sure!" I said getting my enthusiasm back "Bye" He said. "PEACE" I said back
Hey guys! Sorry not for uploading in a while. I deleted my Merome story, becauze that story was the reason why I didn't upload on this story. Anyways, go check out JazSparks , she is an amazing person and writer, so check her out! And also be sure to slap the vote button with yo' forehead, and PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEE BRUHSSSS

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