Chapter 1

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"These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume." -Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene IV

(I don't actually get a chance to describe our main character, Jocelyn, during the story so I think I should, here):
Height- 5'11
Eye color- Blue
Hair color- Black
Her skin is as white as snow
(Very skinny.)

(Preface- kind of)

I've always thought that life and death were no different. That in the end you'd both suffer and gracefully thrive in each of them.
I was wrong.
Death is much easier than life... because as to live you have to stay while others are gone.
As to die... you get to leave while everyone else stays. Its a privilege. And in the end we all know that staying is much harder.
I was called brave for staying. I think I should've been called stupid.
I don't think that the people, who were calling me brave, knew at the time that they were calling him stupid. But they were. And I couldn't stand for that.
I love him with all of my heart.
There's so much I wish I could change... even though it shows my selfishness. Like for one thing: I wish it was me. But before I tell you anything else I should let you know what happened.

-Flashback to the beginning of story-
(The whole story is going to be a flashback until we get to the present)

I felt the cool crisp air as I stepped outside. It's the first day of school at a new school... for me. I'm in 10th grade now. And I have an abusive father.
Just in case your wondering my mother, Maryce, got murdered when I was younger. I'm 99.9% sure that it was my dad who killed her but they didn't get any evidence.
My dads never sober and he's a drug addict so yeah.
When I started to walk past the driveway my father came outside (acting all nice) and grabbed my hand and walked me back inside. "Dad, what're you doing? I'm going to be late for my first day of school," I said hoping he wasn't going to beat me. A second later I found my wish to not get granted. He threw me into the wall and the force almost made me break the cupboard that was there. While I was still on the ground he kicked me in the stomach nocking the air out of me. "If your late to school you get a beating when you get home. You hear, Jocelyn?" I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head. He then lightly pressed his boot to my throat and while slowly pushing it in he said, "You will answer me when I talk to you Jocelyn. Did. You. Hear. Me." And with the little breath I could find I said, "Yes father." Then he pushed down all the way with his boot really quickly. I couldn't breath but I slowly got up and walked out the door. Then... I ran.

When I got to school I wasn't late. Thankfully. I walked into the front office and said," Umm hello. I'm Jocelyn the new girl. I was wondering if I could just grab my schedule?" The nice secretary smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper while saying, "You seem like a very nice young lady. Here's your schedule, Jocelyn." I smiled and said," Thanks." And as I walked out the door I heard a "Your welcome!"
I looked down at my schedule. It said that my locker was locker #1470.
When I got to my locker I entered the combination 15-5-25 and it opened on the first time. That's never happened to me before. Maybe this school is good luck.
After emptying all the stuff I don't need in the locker I looked down at my schedule for my classes and it said:

Homeroom- Mrs. Eaton
1st Block- Spanish- Mr. Wayland
2nd Block- Gym- Mrs. Frey
3rd Block- Study Hall- Mr. Valentine
4th Block- Art- Mrs. Wu
5th Block- Language Arts- Mr. Prior
6th Block- Science- Mrs. Mathews
7th Block- Math- Mr. Waters
8th Block- Social Studies- Mrs. Eaton

I quickly found my way to Mrs. Eaton's classroom for Homeroom.
When I walked into the classroom I was greeted by Mrs. Eaton herself and she told me I could sit in the back of the room next to Alex. She pointed to who I guess was Alex and then the empty seat next to him.
Once I sat down next to him he looked at me and said, "So. What's your name?" "Umm. It doesn't really matter." "Yes it does. Just tell me." "Um it's Jocelyn." "Thats a beautiful name." "Yeah," I said as I turned to face him. When I did our eyes met. His were a deep dark brown. Almost black. His hair was as black as the night sky and it carefully swept over his eyes. He had skin as pale as a ghost. And through all of that I noticed his smile last. It felt as if I've been relieved of something terrible. As if there was a nuclear war and I just heard that it was over. And that nobody got hurt.
His smile enlightened me.
So I smiled back.

-Authors Note-
Comment on how you think I've done so far and if I should continue.

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