Chapter 9

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       I heard snickering coming from downstairs. "DID YOU LIKE THAT ONE, EM?" I yelled with a smile as Alex came back. "YEP!"
       By the time Alex got into the room, with condoms in hand, I was already watching OUAT while lying on his bed. "Move over bitch I'm tired," he said. "UGHHHHHHH NOOOO I JUST GOT IN A GOOD POSITION!" I moaned. "What the fuck are you talking about?! You look like you just fell from a six story building." *THUMP!*
       Did he actually just do that?! No he couldn't have. Nooo he just accidentally shoved me off his bed with full force. I jumped back on him and said, "I am the gatekeeper. Are you the keymaster?" He nodded and said, "I'm the keymaster and right now I need to put my key inside... the lock on your gate?" "Ooh wow! That's just... that's great? Did you mean to fuck up that badly?" "Yup."
       I decided to be civilised so I rolled off of him and fell into his arms. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes. "Netflix and chill," I mumbled. "Well we already got the Netflix part down," Alex said with a goofy smile. Damn he's hot!
                Three Hours Later
       "NO! DADDY DON'T DO IT! DON'T KILL MOMMY!" I screamed, terrified. "I'm so sorry baby. I don't want to. They said they'd kill you if I didn't," he said with tears streaming down his face. My mom looked up at me and said, "Shh shh baby it's okay. Don't think of it is a 'goodbye'. Just think of it as a 'see you later'. Daddy is just doing what he has to do to protect you. It's okay. We both love you." "NO DON'T DO IT DADDY! LET THEM KILL ME! LET THEM KILL ME INSTEAD!"
         Then everything changed. The bloody walls disappeared and instead I was placed in an even bloodier landscape. Cracked building parts and smoky sky's were all I could see. I turned around and I saw my dad holding a gun to me. "Dad? What are you doing?" "I have to kill you. It's the only way I can save him," he said as he pointed to Alex. Alex all beaten up and bloody. Being held by black shadows. "DON'T DO IT YOU BASTARD LEAVE HER ALONE! I LOVE HER! AND IF YOU KILL HER I'LL DIE TOO," he yelled.
       I looked up and the sky was hazy. And with all my confusion I was finally brought to a conclusion. It's just a dream. "Kill me, dad. Kill me," I whispered. I heard Alex's screams in the background but I closed my eyes and my muscles went from tense to relaxed. *BANG!*
       I opened my eyes and was in bed with Alex. He was sleeping. He's so adorable. I touched his face slightly and he stirred a little. Finally he woke up. He was crying. Why? "I love you Jocelyn. Don't you ever forget that." Not a second later my dad appeared and grabbed his throat. He was choking him. And my body refused to let me move. My mouth was open and I was screaming but I could hear nothing.
       Finally I could hear myself. "NO! LEAVE ALEX ALONE!" I lurched forward and found myself in bed with Alex's arms wrapped around me and him trying to quiet me down. "It's okay Jocelyn I'm right here. No ones going to hurt me. It's okay. Hey stop crying there's nothing to worry about." "I need to- to shower. I'll be back," I said. "Jocelyn it's three in the morning." I ignored him and walked out of the room but I didn't go to the shower. I walked down the stairs and out of the house. I decided to take a little walk.
                  ALEX'S POV
      What the hell just happened?! I ran to my parents room as quickly as possible realising that she didn't go to the bathroom she went to the door. Normally I would go to my dad for this kind of thing but seeing as how he won't be back for another three weeks I'm kind of screwed.
        "Mom! Something's wrong with Jocelyn! She woke up screaming for someone to leave me alone and then she walked out of the house and I don't know what to do and I'm scared and its late and I don't know if I should give her sleeping medicine and I'm rambling!" "Alex. Shut the hell up. It's three in the morning." "Try telling her that!" "Ugh- FOR GODS SAKE THE MEDICINE IS IN THE CONDOMS DRAW ASK HER IF SHE WANTS IT! MAKE OUT WITH HER! I DON'T KNOW! BUT UNTIL 8:00 A.M. I'M NOT DOING SHIT FOR ANYONE! I'M SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU BUT I CAN'T STOP YELLING BECAUSE THEN IT'LL SEEM LIKE YOU WON! AND I KNOW TOMORROW I'LL FEEL LIKE AN ASSHOLE AND I'LL WANT TO APOLOGISE BUT I WON'T SO I'LL JUST DO IT NOW! SORRY!" Wow. Okay. Well I'm gonna go get the medicine now.
      I ran outside with the medicine in hand and looked around. I couldn't see her anywhere. Just as I was about to go back inside to literally drag my mom out I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Something terrible. Something that broke my heart. Something I'd hoped I'd never see.
       It took my breath away. I couldn't talk at all. I needed to talk. I got back some breath and yelled out to her, "JOCELYN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She didn't answer. She didn't even look at me. She didn't acknowledge the fact that I even called her name out.
        I heard the door open and slam shut. "ALEX, BABY, YOU HAVE TO STOP HER! JESUS CHRIST IS EVERY MOMENT LIFE OR DEATH WITH JOCELYN?!" My mom yelled.
       She was at the top of the water tower. She was going to jump. But why? Why? Why would she do something like this? Think Alex think!
      "If you were to seek proper care you would send her to therapy that could last up till about ten years but most parents don't do that for their child even if they have been traumatised so don't think you're a terrible parent if you decide not to.  She'll be okay eventually, but for now, because it just happened, keep her away from things that she could use for suicide such as high places, bleach, knives, anything like that," I heard the doctor say to my mom. She always hates it when I eavesdrop but I think she'd be okay with it in this case. "Will do, but do you really think she'd try to kill herself?" "Look. I've seen a lot of patients who weren't suicidal before, go through something this traumatic and come out wishing they were dead. However the suicide attempts aren't normally for what you think they'd be for. You go through something like this and you'll constantly have it on your mind. But because of the trauma she'll be forced to believe some of things she's seeing that are only in her head, are real. And in this case one of those things in her head could be her dad. Now in her eyes she's trying to save herself or maybe her loved ones but to everyone else she's drinking bleach. Look, just keep a good eye on her. There's 50-50 chance this'll happen. Just hope you're lucky."
       No. No no no no no no no! I ran to the water tower. I stood at the bottom and looked up. "JOCELYN HE'S NOT REALLY THERE! YOU NEED TO COME DOWN! YOU NEED TO TRUST ME! ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD! PLEASE!"

                  Authors Note:
         I kept picturing Jocelyn at the top of a water tower and I didn't know why. I had NO CLUE! I'm so dumb. Because when I read it over to check for errors I looked up and saw that I was watching "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". I'm dumb. I'm sorry. Lol. Johnny Depp is amazing. #GOJOHNNY

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