Chapter 6

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      I know I'm worthless. I know no one can love me, but this is the closest I've ever gotten to love.
      I needed someone... and I was hoping he'd be that someone. I was hoping Alex would be the one to heal me and call attention to my constant SOH's.

      I woke up in the hospital. This has been like the 10th time I woke up. I can't stay awake though. I'm so weak. I hate this.
     I've been told that I've lost a lot of blood but that I'll be able to go home soon. How've long soon was? I did not know.
     I also had to explain to a police officer that Alex was definitely not trying to kidnap me. And that my dad definitely did not try to save me. Also that my dad tried to kill me. And that Alex was just scared that he was gonna hurt us again.
     "Alright. That's about it. I'll head down to the station now and tell them their information was wrong. Oh and I'm assuming that you want Alex to come and visit, right?" He asked. I nodded.
     "Don't you need proof for this kind of thing," I asked in disbelief. For my mom, the whole reason they didn't believe it was my dad was cause they didn't have proof. My mom. She was the only one that ever loved me. When I look in the mirror the only parts of me that I could even possibly consider beautiful, are the parts that remind me of her. My blue eyes and my freckles.
      "-are you listening Jocelyn?" The policeman said. I snapped out of my daze and said, "Sorry no... daydreaming." "It's alright. I was just saying how the cameras on the street lights can see into your kitchen. We still needed a story obviously but we have the proof," he said. I nodded. Good.
       The police left and the nurse came back. "It's time for your pain medication," she said. She switched the IV liquids and then gave me the medicine. More needles. Yay.
My eyes became heavy and I was whisked off to neverland, wonderland, dreamworld.
     When I woke up again I checked the time and saw that it was 10:53 in the morning. Alex was sleeping on a chair in the corner of my room and my nurse was filling up a glass of water for me. "How long has he been here," I asked quietly so I didn't wake him up. "Since yesterday. He came about 2 hours after you fell asleep. Drink. It'll help your headache," the nurse said as she handed me a glass of water. I didn't even realise I had a headache until she said something.
       She left my room soon after and Alex woke up. "Hey. You're dads going to jail. They checked the camera and saw everything," he said in a calming voice. But I wasn't calm. I was scared to death. In a frantic voice I said, "So- so what does this mean for me?! Do I- do I have to go to foster care?! Well?! am I forever screwed because of this?!" "I-I don't know Jocelyn. But what I do know is that you'll still have me no matter what..." he said.
     "Great. Well it's nice to know that I'll always have the guy that I met literally 5 days ago," I said harshly. He looked hurt as he said, "I thought I meant something to you. I know we just met but we've been through so much. I fucking saved your life!" "YEAH WELL YOU ALSO RUINED IT! I don't know why you couldn't have just let me die!" "Because I care about you... and I don't want to life in a world without you knowing that your bastard of a father is still living. Okay?!" He yelled.
       I shut up after that. Everything was silent for an hour or two. Then Alex spoke up, "They said you can go home tomorrow." "I have no other family... What is home for me? Do you know yet?" I asked, scared for his reply. "I don't know. My mom said that she'd be more than happy taking you in and with her job she might be able to. But let's not worry about that now. Just go to sleep, okay?" He said. I nodded.
Shortly after that, the nurse came in and put yet another needle into my flesh. Great. Just great. I thought I could stay awake this time but nope. I couldn't.

-Authors Note-
A lot has happened. A lot.

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