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My main character

Name: Kyle


Species: lion

Sexuality: gay

Looks: red based fur with black patches on his shoulders and knees swell as tip of his tail

Crushes: Skylar

Likes: being alone, playing video games, and hanging out with people who accept him for who he is, his dad who is almost never home

Dislikes: being bullied, his mom, people who jump to conclusions

Name: Skylar

Age: 16

Species: tiger

Sexuality: has girlfriend but falling for kyle (unsure)

Looks: blue base with green stripes with orange paws, tail tip, and ear tip

Crushes: kyle

Girlfriend: Lexia ( Lexia will be talked about and will be a big character she is also a human)

Likes: sports, being with his girlfriend, camping and the outdoors

Dislikes: picking on people, sore losers, losing a basket ball game

Name: lexia

Age: 16

Species: human

Sexuality: straight

Boyfriend: Skylar

Looks: very tan with blue died hair

Likes: being with Skylar, playing vollyball , playing video games with kyle ((online of course)), abs

Dislikes: seeing kyle hurt, seeing Sky pic on people (remember she doesn't know Sky is being controlled), rejection


Hello you can be part of the story if u want by filling out what I did above but if u would add persinalitys to the list so just fill out this form



Species: if furry



Crushes: if any




(Optional) does your character know anybody that can make it easyer for me to put them into the story, are they connected to any main character

Just comment and send it to me and I will find some where to add you within the next two chapters

TTYL peeps

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