Chapter 3 Club

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That night, I decided to go to a local vampire club to have some fun.

I stood in the darkest corner of the club.



"Come here often?"

"All the time."

"Where's your host"

"Your host? What's his name?"


I ran up to her before she could finish.

"There you are! I thought I lost you!" I said.

She looked a bit scared.

"I'm not going to hurt you. If anything I'm gonna keep you from getting hurt." I said telepathically to the girl.

The girl lost all means of fear.

"I'm Marie her hostess." I said.


"As in the model Marie De Lioncourt?" The girl asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Why is a human here?" Asked one of the men.

"I like to play with my food," I simply replied.

The three vampires chuckled.

"She's so cute, I want to eat her up!" The vampire woman laughed.

"Sorry, but no eating this girl." I said standing slightly in front of her.

"Oh, can't I just have a nibble?"

"If you try it I'll rip your fangs out with my bare hands," I threatened through a smile. The vampire woman raised an eyebrow.

"I'm one hundred years old, you shouldn't talk like that to me," the vampire woman said.

"I'm half way to one thousand. I can break your neck faster than you can say 'Sacre bleu!'," I threatened.

I looked down at the small human girl next to me.

"Let's go," I said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the club.

Once we were outside I turned to her.


"I-I," she stuttered.

"NO SAVE IT," I yelled.

I grabbed at my white-blonde hair and paced a bit.

"They're going to find you." I sighed.

"They're going to kill you," I whisper yelled.

Vampiric: a sequel to the French VampireWhere stories live. Discover now