Chapter 4 Police troubles

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I could hear the club's doors open and close.
"Ohhhhhhh we have a liar!" The vampire woman laughed.

"Touch her, I dare you!" I screamed.

I could feel my veins coursing with adrenaline. The two men vampires flew towards me. I grabbed them both by the throats and slammed them against the ground. 

I plunged my sharp nails into their wind pipes and wiggled my fingers. I grabbed the top opening and ripped their heads off.  I could feel blood spurt on my clothes and on the ground. The vampire woman was busy trying to bite the girl's neck.

I grabbed the woman by the back of the neck and slammed her on the ground. I got out my lighter and grabbed a half filled wine bottle from a trash can. I soaked her to the bone in wine the threw my lighter on her.

The woman went up in flames, kicking and screaming.
I grabbed the men's heads and popped open a trash bag. I tucked the heads in and put it in the dumpster.

I grabbed the woman ,who was still aflame, by the collar and threw her on top of the headless corpses. The three sat burning in a far away corner behind the dumpster.

"They'll be ash soon," I muttered.

The girl stood in shock, her eyes the size of saucers.

"Don't worry, just get out of here. The cops might come," I said.

The girl nodded slowly and darted off. I only wish on a night like this nearly five hundred years ago some one would have done the same for me.

I could hear police sirens scream out as I stood in the dark, damp alley. I started to get fake tears as they approached.

"MAM! Why are you covered in blood?!" A police man screeched, as he ran from his car.

"A-a-a man tried to r-rape me. He pulled out a knife s-s-so I fought back. He ran away." I cried, crocodile tears pouring from my eyes.

The police man apparently believed me.

"Oh, don't worry mam. Please just return home and we can talk about this tomorrow," the man said.

I nodded. I looked him in the eyes.

"You will forget I was ever here. I do not exist." I said in a monotone voice.

My hypnotizing worked as he bluntly repeated my words. The police man went back to his car and drove off. I walked with the shadows my whole way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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