Meeting the Neighbors

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Once I reach the door I knock, a few seconds later a cute boy answers the door. "Hi I'm Aurora, I live next door, what's your name?" I asked "I'm Garrett, would you like to come in?" he asked "Yes, thanks." His house was as big as mine. "Grant, Grayson, Mom, Dad!" he yelled "Come meet the new neighbor!" he said as they walked down the stairs. "Hi, I'm Aurora" I said. "I'm Grant and this is my little brother Grayson" says the tall brown haired guy as he points to the small blonde kid. "I'm Mike and this is my wife, Brandi. It's nice to meet you," their dad said.

Garrett's P.O.V.
Aurora is beautiful, I know I just met her but shes amazing. I just hope Grant can not steal this girl away from me. I hope her and I can be really close and eventually date.

Grant's P.O.V.
Aurora is beautiful, I know I'll right her a song and she will have to fall in love with me. I wonder if she's even a fan, or if she knows that I'm famous.

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