Mission complete?

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"Bebe... Thanks for letting me stay the night." Larry said hugging my waist tighter and snuggling his head into the crook of my neck.
"You're welcome. What do you want to do?" I asked him biting my lip softly. " I dun know Bebe... That depends on what my girlfriend wants to do." Larry emphasized "girlfriend" which made my ears burn and butterflies formed in my stomach.
I'm guessing you're wondering what happened. Take a look.
"Every girl acts like that after my broder turns them out. But he may have gotten to your body just physically. But I can get to you physically AND emotionally." Larry said walking up to me and grabbing my chin softly looking into my eyes with desire. Not just sexual desire... There was something else too.
Something that I want him to feel for me.
Larry then pressed his lips to mine passionately. I was shocked to feel so much love. Kissing Larry was different than kissing Laurent. There was a much larger spark.
"Bebe..." He pulled out a small ring box and got on one knee as I watched in shock with my mouth agape.
"This isn't an engagement ring but it's a promise ring. I know it may seem childish for our ages but I no care. I promise to treat you to the best of my ability. I promise to love and cherish you. I promise to be a better man than any man that has come through your life has been to you. I promise to do it all. If you will let me. Jay Marie Stevens... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me with the most heartfelt look I've ever seen in my entire life.
I was about to bawl my eyes out but then I realized I needed to say what my heart what saying.
"YES!!!" I said happily reaching for him but only to have him stop me and open the small red ring box.
He slipped it on my finger and smiled at it.
I happily threw my arms around his neck feeling like I was on cloud nine.
He kissed me and smiled again.
"So. Now that you're mine... Tell me what's been bothering you." Larry said pulling me to my bed and sitting. He made me sit on his lap instead of next to him.
"Nothing... I'm fine." I said trying to sound convincing.
"Why you lie?" He asked me.
I sighed in sadness.
"I don't have enough money to pay for my tuition. If not I'm getting kicked out. I wanted an apartment but I don't even have enough money to rent one let alone even pay for college! My boss is closing his restaurant this week. And I'll be out of a job. Angie said she can find me another one hopefully." I said.
"That's what you stressing over? Why you no tell me earlier?"
"I didn't want to dish my problems out on you Larbear."
"Belle you my girlfriend now. My problem is you problem." He said turning me around on his lap.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"How much do you owe?" Larry asked me playing with a strand of hair that fell out of my messy bun.
"I owe $2,000. But I am short $211... Larry I don't know how I'm gonna find that money. I don't get my paycheck till Friday and my tuition is due Thursday. I don't want to ask my parents because I don't want to depend on them like I'm a baby." I said pressing my cheek to his pouting slightly.
Larry shifted a little and next thing I know there's two $100 dollars bills and a $20 bill being held in front of my face.
"No Larry please don't. I can't accept that."
"Please belle take it."
"No I can't. I just met you and I can't have you paying things for me."
"It's only $211. Just take it okey? Please. If you want to pay me back... Just wear something extra sexy for me tomorrow. When I take you on a date. Actually, here." He said pulling out two more $100 dollar bills.
My mouth was in a O-shape. One for the fact he just pulled out another $200 dollars and is trying to give it to me like it's no big deal. And two because he is taking me on another date. I sighed deeply.
"No you've already given me what I needed I don't want to seem helpless." I said trying to push away the $200.
"It's my gift to you. I want you to buy something nice for youself. And for me because I get to see my beautiful girlfriend in it." Larry said grabbing my waist and scooting me closer to him so that our fronts were pressed against eachother's firmly.
I blushed and nodded. Damn him. Sexy bastard. Always pulling me in. I grabbed the money and sat it down on my bedside table and kissed Larry tenderly and sweetly.
"Thank you so much Larry. You're so sweet and thoughtful and I'm glad that I met you." I told him grinning.
He grinned back and pecked my lips.
"It's never a problem when it comes to you belle."
*flashback over-present time*
"Can we watch a movie with Jackie Chan in it?" He asked me with a cute pout. I thought he meant he wanted to do the dirty but this nigga talking bout action movies.
I nodded and rolled my eyes playfully.
As I was grabbing Rush Hour I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Laurent. I hope he's okay with this. But I can't help think that I do have some feelings for him.
Ugh... What have I gotten myself into?

Uhh well holy shit that was eventful huh? Even surprised myself a few times. Y'know I forget half the shit I write so don't mind me if I fuck up something. ;-; *cough* Anyway. I um... Have a new story... It's called How Did I Get Here? It's a gang one (LT Fanfiction of course) so be warned. I know it's kind of been done several times but I wanted to make my own version. Lame. I know but I hope you'll enjoy it too! I'll be posting that soon! And I'll work on updating this story as well. Thanks for reading! ❤️😘
P.s. - Any ideas for girl names? I have such a hard time finding the perfect ones.


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