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Beep beep beep beep.... Beep beep beep
What the hell? Let me guess? I'm in the hospital.
I heard talking around me so I slowly opened my eyes. There Larry and Laurent were staring at me. HARD.
"Can a nigga get some space?" I asked slightly giggling and sitting up in the shitty hospital bed. At least the sheets are clean though.
Larry and Laurent apologized at the same time but didn't move an inch. I shook my head smiling.
"Why am I here?" I asked them openly waiting for either of them to answer.
"You started breathing heavy then you faint belle..." Laurent said with sad look on his face. I looked at Larry who's face was even more sad looking like someone stepped on his puppy.
I sat there for a moment. Processing. Remembering what happened. Wow. I thought they had stopped. I haven't had a panic attack in years... I should've gotten myself under control. I couldn't help it though.
I was about to say some comfort words to Larry but all of a sudden I saw a beautiful chocolate skinned girl burst through my hospital room with an equally beautiful head full of curls.
"OH MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY?!" Angie said with tears rolling down her face. At first I was grinning but when I saw her crying I stopped.
Laurent moved himself and so did Larry so I could have time with her alone.
She sat down some shopping bags she had in her hands and cupped my face.
She looked over me once lifting up my legs and everything making sure that I was INDEED okay.
Her shoulders slouched in relief and she grabbed me tightly in a hug. I hugged her back rubbing her soft hair in hopes of calming my best friend down.
"Are you okay? What happened?!" Angie asked letting go and wiping some of her tears away. Not before planting kisses all over my face. Got dammit woman!
"Panic attack..." I said lowly.
"Jay... What? You haven't had one in years... What triggered it?" She asked me staring me down waiting for an answer.
I looked back and forth between Larry and Laurent who looked guilty as hell.
Angie flipped her hair over her shoulder and stomped over to Lau. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and made him stand up.
All I heard was her cursing and growling at him.
"THE OTHER TWIN RESPONSIBLE NEEDS TO BRING THAT ASS HERE. NOW!" Angie roared causing Larry's eyes to widen and hop up out of his seat to stand next to his brother.
"Now I don't know what in the hell y'all did to cause her to have a panic attack but-" Angie was saying till Larry interrupted her speaking softly. Too bad because it's funny watching a midget reprimand Giants.
"It's all my fault." Larry said sniffling every few seconds. His eyes were watery. My heart warmed and my heart rate sped up. No no no!
Is everyone crying today?! Got dammit!!!
"Ange babe can you give us a second?" I asked.
She nodded and walked out but no before blowing me a kiss.
I caught it and rubbed it all over my cheeks. She smiled and walked out.
At least she's not upset. Anymore...
They had both sat down in chairs on either side of me. I grabbed one of each of their hands and sighed.
"Look guys. This is not entirely your fault. It's mine too. My mistake of letting you both pursue me overpowered everything I can handle.
I'm sorry I've tainted your relationship and ours." I said both of them rubbing my manicured thumb on their knuckles in comfort. Dammit I can barely grip they're hands they're so big!
"We're sorry." They said simultaneously. I made a weird face at their twinning.
"I'm sorry as well. Now Lau can you tell Angie to go get me two frappechinos. And two stuffed nachos." Laurent nodded.
"I think I'll go with her." He said.
"Larry you want anything?" I asked him in all seriousness.

Larry's pov :o
I chuckled at her question. She's so tiny but she sure does pack it away.
"I want a black coffee and three cheeseburgers from McDonald's." Mon frère nodded and walked out. I knew he wanted to stay but he knows Jay loves me which is why we talked earlier.
He told me that he knows how much I love her. He can feel it so he said he'd back off.
I was thankful for that.
"What are you thinking about Larry?"
"You." I said leaning up and cupping her face staring into her beautiful brown eyes before I pressed my lips against her soft lips.
After a while we pulled back and I wasn't having it.
I got up and lifted Jay up and over so I could lay down with her.
I pulled her closer to me by her tiny waist and kissed her on the top of her head.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and I smiled at that.
"Larry?" She asked pulling back a little taking glimpses at the ring I gave her.
"I love you." She said looking up at me with teary eyes.
I looked shocked.
I smashed my lips against her and quickly pulled back.
"I love you too Bebe. So much."

:D well this is the end of this! Ha! But no worrying because there's going to be another book full of... Crazy ass shit I came up with randomly while doing random tasks... Like sleeping... Brushing my teeth... Eating... Shit idk it doesn't matter but it will be called I Chose You! :D I'm excited to write it hehe... I hope you enjoyed this and please stay tuned for my new book!

~Saucy Cupcake

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