The star, the ant, the leaf, blade of grass and the missing girl.

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We are all insignificant,

Don't try and deny it,

Let me ask you a question.

Do you notice,

When a star is missing from the sky,

A leaf from a tree,

An ant from it's farm,

A blade of grass from the ground?

You answered no of course.

So how are humans different,

From that star, that leaf, that ant,

Or from that blade of grass?

But maybe, the stars notice,

The tree notices, or perhaps that farm, that family.

Perhaps the ground notices the missing blade.

Maybe we are all different for a reason.

Meant to notice the missing star, missing leaf,

Missing ant and missing blade.

Maybe someone notices these,

Maybe a girl looked at that star,

On the day of her first kiss,

The leaf on a warm atumn day,

The ant at a picnic,

The blade of grass on her birthday.

Maybe shes looks for them,

And misses them,

And the memories they keep.

Maybe someone will miss the girl that noticed these things and notice that she's missing too.

And will miss her just like she missed,

The star, the leaf, the ant,

And the blade of grass.

Because, maybe, someone,

Always takes notice and misses,

The missing piece.

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