Character Introduction.

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Yura's POV.
    Hey there, I'm Min Yura. Otherwise known as Suga's little sister! But I prefer calling my oppa by his real name which is Yoongi. Now you'd think my life would be all that great because my oppa is part of the most popular group called BTS at our high school, but guess what... it's not.
    At our high school no one really knows that I'm Yoongi oppa's little sister and between me and my oppa we prefer to keep our sibling relationship as a secret. You see, oppa is really popular and I'm not. Actually, I'm not really that fabulous. Just average looking... and a little... chubby you can say... Okay, I really lack self-confidence. I don't hang around with my oppa at school or in public because, well... I feel ashamed to even be his sister. I don't tell him because I don't want his reputation to be ruined and he understands how I feel. I know he goes his way to protect me, but sometimes I don't want it.
    BTS doesn't know I'm Yoongi oppa's sister either. I feel bad for oppa because sometimes he can't do much when BTS starts to bully me. Well, aside from Seokjin oppa or Jin as everyone calls him. Seokjin oppa knows I'm Yoongi's sister. Both of them protect me, but they also let me be so I can fight for myself when it's needed.
    Aside from Yoongi and Seokjin oppa I have two other people I can count on. My two bestfriends in the whole world. Lee Hyolin and Park Sooyoung. They also know about my relationship with my brother and Seokjin oppa. Hyolin and Sooyoung are really pretty girls and they don't make me feel bad about myself when I do. They have the greatest personalities and I'm glad to be friends with them. They never make me feel left out or ugly, and they always help me out when I'm in need. Their kindness is something I appreciate every single day.
    Lately, things haven't been so great for me. Recently he started bothering me and getting on my nerves. He's also part of BTS, but I'm actually scared to tell my oppa about it. I hate everything about him. I didn't do anything wrong to him and somehow I'm getting punished. I don't like him at all... and unfortunately we're in an arranged marriage. My self-esteem is lowering because of him. It's not the normal bullying I usually get from them, or from him. It's too much.

Suga's POV.
    Ayo! Suga here. I'm Yura's older brother and practically her protector. But, Yura-ah doesn't like it when I'm trying to stand up for her or protect her. So, I just let her be and watch from afar. I'm part of the group called BTS at our high school and we're just a bunch of dudes that just chill with each other. I'll also add that we're some pretty talented guys too. A small problem is, we tend to bully. At least not me, I'm just pretty self-reserved person and people often mistake me for being cold. I just personally don't really like talking to people I feel uncomfortable with. Sorry. But that's just how I am.
    Yura has recently been going through a tough time, I feel bad for her since I'm her oppa and there's not much I can do for her. She sees herself as imperfect, but to me... she's just growing. Sure, she's a little chubby and a bit clumsy, but she'll grow out of it. I just don't like it when she looks down on herself, she just doesn't know she's a beautiful girl. What makes matters worse is that our parents have told her that she's going to be marrying him. Yup, ______ from my group BTS.
    He's been pushing it with her ever since he found out about that he's going to be Yura-ah's future husband. Both of them don't know that I know about this arranged marriage. Appa and Omma told me about this, but I insisted that they tell Yura that I don't know about it and have her tell me herself. I'm completely fine with that, so I'm waiting for her to ask me for help and whatnot. However ______ is completely clueless about me knowing. Plus he doesn't know that I'm Yura's older brother.
    He's my friend, but this jerk... if he keeps hurting Yura-ah's feelings I'm gonna have to knock some sense into him.

His POV.
    What's up. ______ here. Man, so far life has been pretty great until my parents told me that I was getting married to that beast Yura. I'm part of the group BTS and man, I love those guys. Homies until the end, you know?
    BTS the popular group, the ultimate group that rules the school and all the ladies love us. Other guys are jealous or want to join our group. But, I don't like other guys trying to join us. Pfftt... the seven of us are just fine!
    Anyways, this ugly creature named Yura. Man, I have to marry her or else I don't get the inheritance from my appa. Like why am I marrying her? There are other hot looking ladies out here and I'm stuck with this marshmallow. Honestly, I didn't know who she was until I realized that it was the girl BTS usually makes fun of at school. But, when I saw her, man I felt totally drained. But I knew that this was going to be fun. My plan is to drive her crazy and make her break this marriage off. Appa told me that I have no say on breaking this off unless she does it. I can't wait to be free from her.

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