Ch. o2 - Acting Strange.

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Yura's POV.
Luckily today is Saturday so I get to sleep in. Oppa is a heavier sleeper than I am so I don't think he'll be waking up anytime soon. For some strange reason today I decided to start getting in shape... And this usually happens every other week when I start feeling yucky about myself. But, this time I mean it. (I always say that, but then I usually just give up.) I went down stairs to greet my omma who was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Yura-ah! Eat some breakfast." omma smiled at me as I sat down. "Where are you going!?"
"I'm probably going to head over to the park to exercise omma." I said as I ate some kimbap.
"Oh I see, trying to stay fit." she squealed "OMO! Working out for someone are we?" she winked at me.
"What did you say omma?" I questioned as though she thought I didn't hear the last part.
"AH! It's nothing just eat up and then go exercise. Be sure to come back early, okay? We're going to go somewhere and I need you to look extra special!" she sang as she left the kitchen.

Hmm... omma is acting strange. Whatever, I'll just head over to the park and exercise.

His POV.
"Yah! ______ Wake up!" omma yelled as she threw a pillow at me.
"AHH omma! What?! Can't you see I still want to sleep?!" I groaned. It's a Saturday morning.. who wouldn't want to sleep in?
"Listen, we're going to go somewhere later this evening okay. We're going to meet up with some old friends of your appa's and mine so I need you to tidy up and be presentable." omma said as she grabbed my blanket and threw it off my body.
"Aissh! It's so cold!" I curled up. What's wrong with this woman! Why is she acting strange! She never really tries to wake me up on the weekends! What the heck is going on!
I sat up only to have another pillow thrown to my face.
"AHH WHAT THE HECK!" I yelled as it caused me to fully wake up. "I'm sorry." I quickly said as I saw my omma's face. She was really serious.
"Did you hear what I told you?" she raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yes omma." I sheepishly answered.
"Good." then she walked out of my room.

After sleeping in for another few hours, I decided to go to the park just to chill by myself. It's become a ritual thing for me. Go to the park on Saturdays and just enjoy. I disguise myself so that I don't get noticed wearing a hat and some sunglasses. I mean I love the ladies at our school, but this boy wants alone time and to not be bothered.
As soon as I got there, I noticed a girl trying to do pull ups on the bar. I stayed back so the girl couldn't notice me. But, oh boy... this was a chubby looking girl.

"Ahh! Shit!" she said as she fell off to the ground.

I couldn't help my laugh, but I was trying to hold it in. I tried taking a closer look at who it was, and it was her. The girl that bumped into me and the trash can. Ahha! That was so hilarious.
I stayed a while just to watch what she was doing. After an hour she gave up and it seemed that she was going home. I guess she was here for a while. I've only been here for an hour and a half.

My phone rang and it was my omma...
"Hello?" I calmly answered preparing for myself to get yelled at. I moved my phone away from my ear and as expected...
"Yes omma! You're acting so strange today!" I cheered and hung up as I started heading home. This woman, acting strange. What's so special about today?

Suga's POV.
I woke up late. Haha.. as if that's any different. I noticed omma was acting a little strange this morning... stranger than usual.
"Omma what's going on?" I asked as I interrupted her as she was trying to choose a dress for herself to wear.
"Ahh, Yoongi-ah you're awake!" well she seemed happy.
"Well what's going on? Where's Yura?" I asked as I walked into the room and lied down on my parents' bed.
"Yura-ah is out exercising. Everything seems to be going to plan!" she danced as she finally decided on what dress she was going to wear.
"Just tell me. Omma I'm tired." I sighed as my eyes were closed.
"Yura-ah is getting married!" Omma yelled.
"WHAT?! MARRIED!? MARRIED TO WHO!?" I shot up as I was in shock! I'm older than Yura so should this be happening to me and not her?!
"To ______-ah!" Omma grinned "They're going to be such a cute couple! Especially that Yura-ah decided to lose weight and is now taking care of her body. I mean, I don't mind her being chubby, but it just doesn't seem good for her size, she's a little petite you know?"

I was slightly dying and a bit angry inside. One moment I was just whatever about ______ and now I want to kill him! Seriously he's getting married to my dearest little brat of a sister!

"Omma," I calmly said as she stopped at what she was doing. "Don't tell Yura-ah that I know. And also, don't make her feel bad about herself about her weight and appearance. She's fine the way she is. She's just growing."
Omma walked over to me and placed her arms around my shoulder, "I know. I'm sorry if that came out offensive. Yura is a beautiful girl. She is a growing teen. I won't tell her that you know. We'll have her tell you herself... she'll probably try hiding it from you, but then admit that you'd end up finding out."
"Yeah, but out of all the people it had to be this other brat too?" I sighed.
"Well, _____'s appa and your appa are really close friends. They have been planning this for a while." omma sighed "To be honest, I don't agree to this either, but I think ______-ah can help Yura-ah gain self confidence and feel loved."
"She's never had a boyfriend and _____'s a... piece of work." I got up as I left the room.

Oh man... what a strange day.

Author's Note:
We'll find out who this mystery person is. It's kind of obvious at the moment. It's not Jin, Rap Monster, or J-Hope.

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