Chapter 19

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As soon as Liam entered his parents house he was whacked in the leg with a baseball bat, falling to the ground instantly and yelled out in pain.

"What the fuck was that for, you prick!" He shouted.

Louis whacked him again, this time harshly hitting his ribcage. "You know what for, psycho!"

"Yeah," Liam scoffed, "Says the one wielding a baseball bat like a complete nutter!"

He aggressively hit him on the shoulder, "Piss off! At least I don't kill people for sport!"

"And you think beating them with a baseball bat makes you any better?" Liam snapped back, being fairly bold for someone in his current position.

"Hey!" Johannah shouted in shock, quickly coming down the spiral staircase. "Louis what on earth do you think you're doing?" She snatched the weapon away.

Louis moved his weight around on his feet, "Really? You're choosing to yell at me when he's the one who killed someone in cold blood last night."

"You forgot the part where you tried to run away with something that belongs to me!" Liam shouted from his position on the ground, clutching his most likely injured knee.

"Enough!" Johannah shouted, silencing both adult men who were currently reverting back to their childish antics. "Liam, Geoff wants to speak to you. And Louis," she paused eyeing him. "Don't do anything rash."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't worry mum, that's Liam's thing. He's the one going around shooting people."

Johannah gave him eyes before she turned to Liam on the ground, "Sweetheart do you need some help getting up?"

"I'm fine," Liam gritted as he slowly got up onto his feet, "It's a good thing Louis swings like a woman."

"Oi," she fussed. "Mouths closed, I don't want to hear another remark from either of you."

She followed behind a limping Liam as they made their way down the hallway to Geoff's home office, and Louis grumpily went upstairs. But not before he punched the photo of Liam hung on the wall, shattering the glass and making the obnoxiously expensive frame fall to the ground.


Lottie's jaw near smacked the ground when she opened her newest text message, swelling with confusion and slight anger as she got up and stormed towards Louis' room. Pounding on the door with intent.

"Louis," she screamed as she continued to pound on the door like a police officer. "Louis I know you're in there! Unlock this door right now!"

Before she could get anymore pounds in, Louis swung the door open. "What the bloody hell is your problem?"

"Oh you know," she seethed with a huff of breath.

He rolled his eyes, shifting his weight on his feet. "Fuckin' 'ell if you're that upset with me for breaking Liam's frame on the wall, I'll -"

"No you twat," Lottie scoffed and shoved her phone in his face so he could read the message.

For once in their lives Louis was completely silent, looking between the text message and Lottie. Utterly confused.

"You knocked up slaggy Briana!" Lottie seethed, shoving the phone into her back pocket. "What happened to you being strictly into blokes?"

"I am," his voice cracked. "But we just - we were drunk and she.. I barely remember. Fuck."

Lottie shook her head, "All it takes is one time Louis." She sighed, "Mum is going to kill you."

He grunted a displeased sound, stepping back and closing the door on her. Louis paced around a couple seconds before he pulled out his cell phone, knowing Liam was still downstairs with Geoff and dialed.

"I know you're being monitored," Louis rushed the moment the call was picked up. "Get somewhere safe and ring me, we need to talk."

He hung up without another breath, hoping he had enough time to get his point across and he wouldn't have to wait too long for a response. But twenty minutes later and his phone was going off in his hands.

"Hello," he answered the blocked number but knew exactly who it was coming from.

"I've only got a couple minutes," Niall murmured softly.

Louis sighed a subconscious breath of relief, knowing Niall was alive. "Where are you? I want to come get you, you and I are leaving."

"No Louis," he paused a moment. "We shouldn't even be talking. I wasn't Harry's biggest fan but he didn't deserve - we just shouldn't, okay. This is dangerous and Liam isn't playing games."

"Niall, I can take you away." Louis stressed,"We'll both disappear together - fuck, we'll run away to wherever you want to go."

He was silent a long moment before he audibly exhaled, "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Louis felt like the wind was being knocked out of him again because what were the odds, that the day he finds out he accidentally knocked up a money hungry slag - the man of his desire turns up pregnant as well.

"I'm pregnant," he repeated softly. "Liam doesn't know yet but I found out this morning."

"Shit," Louis cussed, pushing his hands through his hair and began pacing around the bedroom. "No, no.. It's okay, um - we can take you to the clinic and then we can runaway together."

"Louis..." Niall continued to speak softly. "This pregnancy will keep me safe, Liam won't do anything to me if I'm carrying his child. I need to keep this baby."

"I can protect you, I swear." He pleaded.

There was another long pause on Niall's end before he responded, "I just can't, I'm sorry Louis."

Louis went to say something but Niall had abruptly hung up, disconnecting their call. When he tried to redial it went directly to voicemail, pushing Louis into annoyance as he pulled up a new message.

Briana - we need to talk, ASAP.

He tossed his phone on the bed once he'd hit send, flopping down on his back onto the bed and mulled over the fucked up reality that he called his life.

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