no cliche.

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Koraahn was just a typical child. A typical child, besides the fact her dad left her mother before she was even born, her mom fell into a deep depression as their family died one by one to street violence, freak accidents, etc., and eventually drunk herself to death. Koraahn since then has been in Foster Care since 5 years old, taken out by her aunt, but then put back in at the age of 14 for reasons to later be discussed. No one has really cared for her, except for her small family she developed over the years in foster care. Her "family" consists of Kalvin, Les, Mahal, Robb, and Jessa. (Well, Jessa isn't considered family to Kora, matter of fact she fucking hates her, but spoiler alert, this bitch isn't just a filler character.)

This is not how it works.
Status Quo, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Narrative Hook.
See that shit above me? This is exactly how it's not going to go. It's not going to go backwards either. That shit's basic too, and if you think my page is the place for basic shit, you're very, very, verrrrrry incorrect.
So uh, let's get this shit bracking, shall we?

Oh fuck. I didn't introduce myself. I don't really have a NAME, but uh, you know me. They know me. Everyone does.
It's just you don't know that you know.
I'll go by L.O.F.A. Preferred to be called L, though.
But that's enough answers for you for now. Now it's your turn as the reader, to find the questions and possible hypothesis.
Now, let's get this bracking.

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