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I groaned as I got up and rubbed my eyes. I don't even feel like waking up today, it's just the same routine. Wake up, hygiene, get told how much I'm worthless, lock myself in my room for a couple hours, go out the window to get some food, come back, go to sleep, repeat. That's usually how it goes, but today was completely different. I took a shower and all that, slipped on my all black and my timbs, grabbed my backpack and my phone, and headed towards the door. Of course, I can't ever leave the house without being told how worthless I am.

"Korra, this is exactly why we don't buy you new clothes. You don't know how to dress with the things we do let you have." I sighed. After a while, the words stopped hurting.

"Thanks Melissa. I honestly do try." I dragged out my words sarcastically as I turned my back to her, waving my middle finger in the air and walking out the door.

If you were smart enough to read the intro, you were informed that Korra was in foster care. She currently lives under the, need I say "care" of Melissa, her foster "mom", and Michael, her foster "dad". They also have a son named Josef, that's actually their child.

I grabbed my skateboard and kicked away from the house. I didn't feel like dealing with them today. I would usually last about 2 hours in the house before I had to get out of there, but not today. I was tired of the abuse, tired of the neglect, just straight up tired of life, so I planned to run away tonight with Robb, Les, and everybody. As I rode around, listening to music, I basically rethought my whole plan, making me somewhat glad I didn't tell the family yet.
The reason I rethought my plan was because if I bring the whole family, including Les, she's most likely going to bring Jessa, and to be honest, if me and her were in a room with a gun and I could use the only bullet in it to bust open the door? I'd use the jive on her.
Why you may ask?

Well, when I was about 14, I wasn't confused, but I was, curious. I knew I wasn't straight but I never knew I would actually kiss a girl. I never knew that I would actually LIKE a girl, other than having small crushes on celebrities and bull like that.

WELLLLLLL, there was Leshya. She always been a friend and what not, but she always had a little crush on me, and I always disregarded it. Well that night I was in my feelings because I was at the skating rink with everybody and Robb and Kalvin and Mahal was all booed up, and Les was over hugging on some white girl and I was the only one by myself with no one to talk to. I was crying to her, explaining how lonely I was blah blah blah and next thing you know, she's kissing me. I pulled away mad fast, left the room, and just made myself act like that didn't just go down.

The next day, Les comes in the door with this girl and already, she starts disrespecting me and I ain't even look up to see the broad. Turns out, she was the same white girl from when we was all out. It wasn't jealously that I felt, but I felt mad disrespected because Les knew I ain't like her anyways and she still brought her to the crib, so long story short I beat the hell out of that girl and dragged her off the property, and she started screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I'M JESSA WELKINS AND I SWEAR TO GOD" blah blah. Me and Leshya's friendship kind of distanced itself because it turned out to be her girlfriend, and I ended up punching her in the face because she knew she had a girl and she went about kissing me.
Yet again, it wasn't jealously.
That was just mad disrespectful.
But sadly, whenever the whole squad goes Leshya just HAAAAASSSS to bring Jessa because Jessa swears I'll come on to Les.

I chuckled to myself as I cruised down the sidewalk. Poor baby doesn't know that she kissed me first and I didn't even kiss back, let alone like her like that in the first place.

After recollecting my thoughts and laughing to myself like a madman at my jokes, I finally pulled up to the house. They always kept the front door locked, but since they knew I was coming, they left the back door open for me. I went to the side of the house, sat my skateboard on the ground, slid to the back and stepped in the house. I instantly saw Robb in the kitchen, so I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Robbie pooh!" I whispered. He smiled and hugged me tight.

"Wassup Ma-"

I put my index finger over his lip and pointed to everybody in the front room, and made a gun hand gesture. He chuckled lowly and nodded his head. I reached in my backpack, grabbed a ski mask and put it on. Robb cheesed at my as he took a durag out his pocket and put it over his face. We both ran into the room and Robb started screaming to the top of his lungs.


Everybody started screaming and ducking down as me and Robb rolled on the floor laughing.
Mahal looked up from the ground and sucked his teeth.

"Everybody get up. It's just these two dumbyuckles."  He said, scowling at us. I took my mask off, still laughing and highfived Robb.

Kalvin got up and mugged me, then realized who I was and charged at me, picking my up and spinning me around.

"KO GLAMOROUSSSSSS!" He yelled. I giggled and hugged him. Robb rolled his eyes and pulled me out his arms.

"Let go mane, you gon' give her vertigo." He groaned. Kalvin laughed and sat back down on the couch. I glanced over at Les and seen she was still on the ground.

"...Les?" I said, walking over to her and poking her. She looked me up and down and groaned.
"What yo."
"Why are you still on the ground?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because you still had your eyes closed. Looked like you was dead shook."
"Only reason I'm on the ground is 'cause I'm too lazy to get up."
"Oh." I shrugged, walking over to the couch and grabbing a slice of pizza.

"So you just gon' walk away from me without saying Hi?" Les shouted. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pizza.

"I said your name and checked to see if you was aight, dang. Hop off my meat." I said, laying back on the couch. Les sucked her teeth and sighed.

"You dead annoying." She groaned.

"I dead don't care." I laughed, waving my middle finger in her direction.

"Ladies Ladies Ladiesssss." Mahal laughed. "Be at one with eachother for one day? Open your chakr-"

"Mane if you don't shut up with your peacefulblacktavistnewblackpantheropenyourchakrasfightthepower face ass up." Kalvin groaned, rubbing his temples. I covered my mouth and chuckled.

"Kalvin why you always say that?" Mahal whined.

"Because you been saying that ever since you followed sixteencats on instagram. You don't even know what the number third eye means and you've been saying that ever since she posted a picture about it, and she ain't even accurate about that jive." Kalvin explained. Everybody in the room went 'GET UMMM' as Mahal sucked his teeth and sat lower in his seat.

Moments like this made me glad that I was here. This is my family. Always was, always will be.

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