Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up to a beeping sound. Groaning, I turned over in my bed and heard a slight crunch. The sound came from my pocket. I remembered the note that I’d slipped into it and sighed. I should probably read it, I thought. Shoving my hand into my pocket, I produced the note. I didn’t want to read it, but I felt I had no choice. It was probably from Alice, and I should have read it by now.

I unfolded the note, and it read:

This should help with school as well as everyday needs. You may connect to the outside world, but remember… you’re dead.

I shook my head. The note was ridiculous, and unsigned. The script handwriting was recognizable, so it had to be Alice. Standing, I looked over at the little alarm clock on my bedside table. It was only three in the afternoon, so I still had a whole day to myself. I didn’t know when Jesse would get home from work. I didn’t want to be alone after Rabbit’s last visit either.

Remembering the beeping sound that had awoken me, I looked over to see a cell phone next to the alarm clock. I checked it and there was a message from Jesse asking me if I was okay. Apparently, someone had told him about my incident at the café. I sent him a text saying I was fine, then set the phone with a password and to vibrate. It buzzed a couple of seconds later, Jesse telling me to come see him at the lingerie store. I texted him an okay and grabbed my purse.

When I was out the door, I took my time walking. Normally I moved so fast, but I noticed people just lounging along, not using the speed they’d been gifted with. I didn’t want to look out of place any more than I probably already was.

“Move it!” said an annoyingly familiar voice. I felt myself being pushed to the side. “Watch where you’re—Oh! It’s you.”

I looked down to see the girl from O-Positive Addicts this morning. The brat who I guess was more of a bitch. “Yeah, it’s me… and that’s you… and that’s him…” I said sarcastically, pointing to her and then a guy standing slightly behind her. His cheeks were red and he had wolf green eyes flecked with bronze. His hair matched the flecks, and by the look on his face, I guessed he was with the little girl.

“Shut up, smart ass! You’ve given me enough trouble today. And stop checking out my boyfriend, whore.”

My eyes turned on her, flaming. But, like the bitch she made me out to be, I kept up a faux sweet attitude. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetie. I thought he was your big brother taking you to the playground.” I managed to get a good look at her now that I wasn’t behind a counter that cut her off. She was wearing a mini skirt, thigh-high boots, and a shirt that showed way too much chest.  “Although, now that I look at it, you do seem old enough to be working the corner.”

It was her turn to go a red color in the face. People had gathered around, watching. It felt odd having people watch a showdown I was having with a girl who looked like a doll, but unavoidable now.

“Go to hell, witch!”

I heard a chorus of ooo’s around me and rolled my eyes. “Takes one to know one, shortie,” I retorted. Looking around I noticed that people seemed baffled that I hadn’t backed off. It wasn’t like being called a witch was the worst thing she could say was all I could think.

The girl looked surprised too, and she also seemed genially pissed. She took the arm of the boy who she was apparently with, and began to storm off. “This isn’t over, witch! I promise that.”

Shrugging, I turned to be on my way when some random stopped me. “You’re really going to let her throw witch into your face?” she asked, baffled. I nodded. “Then I guess you’re too new to know… whatever. At least you stood up to her bull shit.”

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