Chapter Five

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Lizzie's POV-

I had totally forgot Gary's fame, I mean he's just a normal man, but when we stepped outside of his house and in to the streets i quickly remembered. Paparazzi soon were surrounding us and asking questions.
"Sorry about this" He whispered, taking my hand and pushing through the crowds of fans and Paps,
"Its fine" I laugh nervously, panicking in side, I'm not used to all of these people,
"Just around this corner there's a little coffee shop, they do great fry ups, I know the owners so they'll keep everyone out" Gary smiles, A few minutes later, just like Gary said, we arrive at a small coffee shop just on the outskirts of the high street.
"Gary" An old man smiles as he greets us through the door,
"Hiya Mr K, just a table for this beautiful woman and myself" Gary smiles, winking at me,
"Of Course Sir, follow me" 'Mr K' smiles. "So are you going to introduce us?" He adds, winking at me,
"Oh how rude of me" Gary laughs, "This is Elizabeth, Lizzie this is Mr Kye, he was my dad's best friend" Gary smiles,
"Nice to meet you Mr Kye" I smile, shaking his hand,
"You too, but please Eric is fine. I've been telling Gary to call me Eric for the past 40 years, he's just too polite" He smirks, pulling out a chair for me,
"Thank you" I smile.
"I'll be back over in a sec" He smiles,
"Cheers Mr k" Gary smiles,
"I think im going to head in to work for a few hours later, just to see whats going on and if everythings okay" I smile, texting my assistant Kieran telling him that ill be in a few hours
"Okay, but im coming with you" Gary demands,
"No Gary its fine" I smile,
"I'll follow you there if I have to" He winks, taking my hand from over the table,
"Yes Sir" I giggle.

After a wonderful breakfast Gary and I head through the madness in the city to get through to my office building on the other side of town.
"Wow fancy building" Gary smirks squeezing my hand as we approach the lift,
"Mrs Paul you're back, looking good" My receptionist smiles,
"Thanks Jean" I reply as we get in to the lift.
"My colleagues are a bit mental so they might try and kidnap you" I laugh, stroking garys chest,
"Wow for a child protection agency they must not be that strict then if they allow that kind of stuff" Gary laughs kissing my cheek,
"Na we allow the kidnapping of gorgeous celebritys" I giggle,
"Obviously, I mean why wouldn't you" Gary laughs.
We get to my floor and when Gary and I exit the lift every ones jaws drop, including Kieran's.
"Hi beautiful" I smile, giving Kieran the biggest hug,
"I've missed you" He replies, "Why are you here?" He laughs confused,
"I told her not to come" Gary gloats,
"Shush you" I laugh,
"Gary" Gary smiles, putting his hand out in front of Kieran,
"Kieran, Kieran Lowe" He replies shaking Gary's hand, "Pleasure to meet you Sir" He adds, stuttering as he speaks,
"I will be in my office" I wink, patting Kieran's arm.
Gary and I head in to my office where we are once again alone,
"So this is your office, very organised" Gary smirks,
"It wasn't this tidy when I last left" I laugh, throwing my achy body on to my sofa, Gary falls down beside me,
"You look tired" He looks at me, narrowing one eyebrow and I feel as though I might be about to get in trouble, "We should get you home"
"I'm fine" I sigh, my whole body is aching and pounding,
"Well I'm taking you home after here and I will look after you, anything you want or need ill do" He smiles, running his hands up and down my thigh,
"Gary, you've been too good to me, you don't have to do anything more" I smile, stroking his stubbled face,
"I want to Lizzie, I like you a lot you know" Gary blushes,
"How can you like me when I look like this?" I laugh, but I genuinely feel so unattractive right now,
"I can see behind the cuts and bruises, I'm not shallow" He smiles, "And plus you were so god damn hot the night we met" Gary winks. I can only laugh in response, he shuffles closer to me and I take full advantage and place my pounding head on to his firm chest,
"I will do half an hour of work, just emails and stuff and then we can go back to mine, yeah?" I smile, looking up at him, smiling like a child,
"No longer than that" He raises his brow again,
"No sir" I smirk and head straight to my desk.

It must have only been 15 minutes and Gary had already started to get bored and fiddling with the things on my desk like a child would be doing. He had moved from my sofa to the chair on the opposite side of my desk,
"Would you like to go?" I ask, "Meet me later or something?" I add,
"Nope, were going now" He smirks and he stands up, moving slowly around the desk,
"Noo" I laugh and he speeds up. We end up running around my office until he catches me and lifts me in to his arms,
"I'll carry you out like this if you don't come now" He grins, kissing me softly on the neck,
"Okay, okay" I pant, let me log off and we can go"
"I win every time, it's my charm and good looks" Gary smirks,
"Yeah we will see when i'm in better health." I giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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