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Hey guys, here is another little short story :)



Her hair was soft, silky, smooth between my fingers. A rich chocolate colour against the pale of my palm. I twirled it idly as I gazed at her sleeping figure. So pretty. Her eyelids fluttered as she stirred and turned to face me. Her lips, slightly parted, a dull shade of rosy pink, seemed to have mouthed my name.

This was the scene every night for months. I sighed with discontent. So far away. The mark of my breath on the window pane was like a heated mist blurring my view, it was a reminder that I must leave. I must not be seen. I must not be detected. With each passing moon that proceeded to be my least favoured part. I tucked the stolen lock of brunette hair into my pocket and said goodbye to the goddess in slumber. I must return. One last longing gaze and I'm gone.

The sun began to creep into the dark, tainting it with luminance as I took another pace to her window. It was open. It had been weeks since I last entered. The icy winter halting our love affair. I heard the shower start from the next room. I clambered in. Cautious and cunning, I ran my fingertips over her bedroom, held her pillow close to my torso, inhaling deeply. Her scent, sweet and warm encased me in a blissful bubble. I love her. I yearn for her.

An open draw caught my attention, an underwear draw, her diary. Moving countless under garments of all shapes and designs, my hand grazed a surface; leather bound and hard backed, a book. I began to flick through pages, vaguely aware of her ever nearing presence. I was mentioned many times. "Stalker". "Obsessed". "I'm scared". How dare she fear me? She loves me. She belongs to me. My possession. I am the only... My thoughts of fury were interrupted by the opening of a door to my left.

She stepped in, just a towel wrapped around her and hair in a messy bun. So pretty. Diary in hand, I forced her up against the closed door. The hot damp skin of her back pressed against my shirt, burning through to my flesh. "My sweet Katherine, don't fear me. We are in love" I whispered planting gentle kisses on her throat. She screamed and cried, desperate to escape me, to flee. How dare she! I slammed the book into the door just left of her head. She whimpered with fear and contempt. She was so pretty in such a state, barely covered, cowering under my dominance. She was mine for the taking.

A blade, sharp and slim, guided by my nimble fingers rested between her shoulder blades. A bead of blood dribbled down and my love for her turned to nothing more than lust. She deserves to feel my love, and she shall. Bringing the knife to my lips, my tongue caressed the tip. The taste of her blood enveloped my mouth.

I released her and she sprinted. She's hiding. Where's could she be? A near-silent sob came from behind me, under her bed. How cliche! I grasped for her beneath the sheets, feeling for the hair, soft, silky, smooth between my fingers. With a violent tug she was dragged into view. I forced my lips against hers, she tried to push me away, I'm stronger than her. Noticing her now bare figure, I appreciated the view.

Now the fun begins.

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