Chapter 1

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This was it. The final battle of good vs. evil. The seven marched into battle, flanked by the fourteen gods of Olympus. Together, we would face one of the greatest threats to humanity, Gaea, the mother of monsters, as twisted and cruel as her husband, Tartarus. Behind us, the Mediterranean, in front of us, her troops of dracaena, cyclopes, giants, and hell-hounds. It was twenty-three of the most powerful gods, goddesses, and demigods in existence against thousands of monsters from the darkest depths of the pits. Percy and I had witnessed their gathering first hand in our exclusive stay in Tartarus. I can still feel the acrid smell of rusty tortured devices in my lungs. I knew seeing him tormented would have been the worst punishment of all, so I had taken Percy's tortures. Every time he would scream my name in protest, but I wouldn't let him stop me. The day before we escaped, Tartarus had come in for my daily session. He announced that he had brought a surprise guest, then smiled cruelly with his pointed teeth. I looked in his eyes, and knew exactly who was this monster was. She was the one that had gotten Percy and me in this mess in the first place. Arachne's putrid face appeared in the doorway. It was a ghastly sight, with massive pinchers protruding from her deformed face. In her hand was my dagger, the one I thought I had lost in the river. Percy, who was chained to the wall in the corner, screamed and pulled at his bonds. "No! Stop! Let me take her torture!" he cried.

"I'm afraid that this punishment is for her only." She cackled. With my knife in one hand, she crept closer and closer until her face was an inch from mine. "You never do escape your worst nightmares. Isn't that right, foolish demigod?" Arachne removed my torn shirt and took the dagger to my chest. She wrote her name in Ancient Greek, so I could never forget. Then, she moved to my chest and Tartarus' name. They continued with this all over my chest and back. Once, the final word was written they left, but left the door open so Percy and I could see their army. Probably so we would lose hope, the one thing their tortures couldn't take away. We had escaped, but at a great mental cost. By the time we had gotten back, it was time for the final battle. We didn't even have enough time to change into less tattered clothing.

Percy turned to me. "Annabeth, if I don't make it, I want you to have this." He handed me a ring. On it was a gray diamond, surrounded by sea green jewels. I looked at him. He nodded. "When this is all over, I want to make it official."

"Percy, I-" When I was about to answer, the battle horn sounded. Percy turned to face the coming monsters, and I slipped the ring on my finger.

"Gaea. This is your last chance. Stand down or face the wrath of the most powerful beings on this planet!" Zeus thundered.

"Never, foolish immortals! I shall kill every last one of you, then plunge this world into eternal darkness. No one can stop me!" Gaea snarled. She lifted her arms and signaled the army to move forward into battle. Zeus raised his lightning bolt in the sky. Storm clouds swirled around him in the sky and electricity arched downward to the monsters, sending a few hundred back to Tartarus. Poseidon walked casually to the front twirling his trident. He thrusted it forward, causing thousands of tons of water to crash down on Gaea's troops. The rest of us swarmed forward. Percy and I went back to back. It was our natural instinct. Together, we were unstoppable. It looked as if there was no hope left for Gaea, but that is where everything went wrong.

I had just downed a hell-hound with my drakon-bone dagger. I turned around only to see Piper beheaded by a dracaena, her severed head landing at Jason's feet. I heard him scream in outrage. Then, he summoned hundreds of volts of lightning, burning the dracaena to a crisp. Winds surrounded him, and he stood in the middle of a F5 tornado, destroying everything in his path, but it wasn't enough. Leo rushed forward, his hands ablaze, to take on Gaea. He sent fireballs at her, but she just laughed. The earth around her catapulted Leo into the ocean with enough force to kill him. Hazel and Arion stopped fighting for a moment to see him fall to his death, and in her moment of distraction, an arrow impaled her stomach. I turned to Percy. The look in his eyes was pure fury. A hurricane formed around his feet, and he took an offensive stance. To most he would be terrifying, but Gaea only smirked. She drew a dagger from the ground. She threw the knife, and I watched as the it pierced his heart. Percy collapsed. I ran to him and cradled him in my arms. "Annabeth, you are the storm. You are the one to kill Gaea. Not me, not Jason, not Leo. You."

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