First Day pt.2

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I went to the office to get my schedule.My First Period was Math.My math teacher Mr.Fuller was Pretty boring I just fell asleep in that class.The Bell Rang Which Signaled us to leave.My Second period was S.Studies (skip to break) Since I didn't know most of the kids I Sat on the bench and played with my IPhone 5S I Felt Somebody sit next to me.I looked up and saw heven."Hey I'm Mr.Brown and You are".He Snapped me out my thouts ummm Hello He Said Oh I'm sorry my name is Mariah.He smiled at me I blushed.I seen tht. What" I tried to act innocent.You Blushed" he laughed.I what grade do you teach Here I asked?11th he said."What grade You in he asked me"?11th I said.what period do u take me?He asked What do you teach?English He said.Well I take you Last I Said.The bell rung for us to go back in I Think I'm Falling for Mr.Brown.I think I might be having second thouts bout this school

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