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(A\N) If you haven't read Romeo and Juliet then you might want to skip this chapter. Be warned there are some spoilers, so read at your own risk.

After scoring the winning jump shot, I slapped hands with my team mates, which included Trey and James. The coach told us we would get a prize tomorrow and then we all shuffled to the locker room. After quickly showering and getting dressed I skated out of the locker room tired of the stares from all the dudes. As I was heading towards the lunchroom, I passed by a banner that read 'School Dance with Royal Girls Prep coming this Friday'. I stared at it wide eyed, after doing a double take and groaned. "My life is officially shit," I murmered to myself. What I didn't expect was a red head patting my back and sarcastically saying, "Tell me about." I laughed turning to him, "What's got your knickers in a twist?" He shrugged and said, "Besides the snobby beotches coming to this school and the fact that my sister is one of them, then nothing."

The red head walked and I skated in the cafeteria laughing because we tripped a teacher. "Man, did you see his face when his toupe fell off and I ran over it?" I said laughing hard. He clutched his stomach laughing and sputtering, "Yeah... dude, remember he... Was all like... My... My hair!" We laughed all the way to the lunch line grabbing our food and heading towards an empty table when I heard Trey shout, "Evie, bring that ahh here boi!" I laughed and skated over with Mr. Red Head following closely behind.

I took a seat at the table and started wolfing down my burger when I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked up swallowing my burger and asked, "Somebody need a Ricola?" Some people giggled making me realize that it wasn't the three of us at the table. I looked at Trey who had his eyebrows raised as he eyed the red head. "Oh right this is... Uhm, wait... Who are you?" I stuttered. "Oops, I forgot. I'm Dylan. Evie here is a new friend," he answered. "Right, this dude is funny as heck," I said grinning. Trey looked like he was thinking hard about something, but quickly shook his head and said, "Cool, I'm Trey." We spent the most of lunch talking, laughing, throwing food, well they threw food and I just caught it in my mouth while finishing my burger. Trey also introduced me to the rest of the guys and turns out, Dylan knew most of em.

I did a barley grind on the lunch table as we were exiting which ended up causing a teacher to fall. I laughed skating to L.A and when I went in there was no teacher, but there sure were a lot of kids. The gang came in after me and we all stared each other down for the nice seat in the back of the room, way out of the teachers view. I ended up running to the seat and sat down in victory as the others groaned and sat in front, behind, and beside me. "Good morning class, today we are reading about Ro- Youuuu," the teacher said as soon as she walked in. I looked around the class to find who she was talking to, but her eyes were trained on me. "Huh, meeeeee. What did Iiiiii do?" I said mocking her. Her eyes formed slits as she huffed, "Oh nothing, just nearly ran me over with that darn skateboard." I laughed hard smacking the table recalling the scene from lunch, "Bruh, target number two wassup?! You should feel honored that you were the second teacher to fall because of my board," I spoke casually. She ran over to her desk and sifted through papers in search of what I assumed was a detention slip. "You should feel honored that your the first person in this class to receive detention," she remarked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes snorting a reply, "You should feel honored that you gave me the first detention I will be skipping." She handed me the slip none the less and watched me with her hawk eyes as I stood on my desk crumbling the paper and shot it into the wastebasket.

Dylan laughs standing up and shouting, "She attempts the shot... Oh, oh, oh she shoots and she scoresssss! And the crowd goes wildddd!" I hopped off the table bowing and took my seat. "Teach, start the lesson would you?" She sighed and went to the board writing 'Romeo and Juliet'. I yawned and mumbled, "Seriously?! How many frickin times?" She almost snapped her neck when she turned to look at me, "Oh, read the story have you? Would you like to come and teach since you're so bored?" I got up and headed to the board right after I tapped her shoulder saying, "Gladly, and relax a little bit or else you'll be looking like Ms. Hannigan at your young age." She huffed and moved to sit in her chair staring at me patiently, I nodded turning to erase what she wrote on the board. After erasing what she wrote I scribbled in my artsy handwriting, 'The Story of R&J' on the board. What teachers don't know is when you add a little slang to the lesson you keep the students interested and then, they might actually pass the class. I had a teacher like that once and he had all my respect.

I turned to class and began saying, "Look, alot of y'all think that Romeo and Juliet is just a sappy love story that ends up with the characters commiting suicide at the end, although that may be true there is more to it than that." I paused letting it sink in. Then I turned to the board drawing my interpretation of Juliet. "Juliet was only 13 years old when her father decided it was time for her to get married. He had promised her to Paris, but Juliet continued to refuse. Now, her father was a good man who only wanted the best for his daughter, but was often seen as the villain." I paced back and forth as I continued, "Juliet said she would speak to Paris at a party they were holding, however, it was at that party that she met Romeo and he took her first kiss. Her hot-headed cousin, Tybalt saw that Romeo was at the party and started a quarrel, ending with Romeo killing him because only moments ago Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo's main homie. This lead to Romeo's banishment from Verona."

I went back to the board and drew a quick picture of Verona. Then I turned to the class and said, " FYI, Tybalt was also referred to as Prince of Cats which was a compliment for the most part. Mercutio used this to anger him by calling him King of Cats, most likely referring to cazzo, which means "penis." I earned a few laughs and continued saying, "Anyways, the reason Tybalt was so angry with Romeo's presence was because of an old family feud, probably about being the best family or what not, but that started decades before their time. In their present time they didn't even know why they were so against each other, that's just how it was and nobody wanted to change that. The Montigues, Romeo's family and the Capulets, Juliet's family just wanted it to stay that way. Only the wise Prince Escalus tried to change that as well as a few others."

I quickly drew Prince Escalus and Romeo on the board before saying, "It took the death of both families children for them to reconcile their differences. Romeo died because of his misunderstanding of Juliets fake death and didn't want to live without her. Juliet died because she didn't want to live without Romeo. The family feud died because of the two sacrifices and Prince Escalus ends it saying, "Some shall be pardon'd and some punished: For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." I turned to the board a drew a bloody heart around R&J with the red marker and said, "Read the story to find out piece by piece what happened and do the work, kids." I heard clapping all around and laughing, I looked around to find so many shocked faces, including the teacher's. I sat down in my desk and fell asleep behind the darkness of my shades.

I woke up to the sound of the bloody bell and was startled to find papers on my desk. I groaned, "So much work." The teacher was handing out homework when she came to my desk and said, "I misjudged you, Im sorry and I expect nothing, but top of the class grades from you." I looked at her with shock and she giggle walking away to finish handing out homework. I sighed shoving my things in my bag and skating out the class.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment. Hugs and love to you all. Oh BTW, I didn't read Romeo and Juliet but I did some research on it and just interpreted it to my understanding, so if I have any incorrect details please correct me and I will try my best to fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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