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#11) A The eye of a tornado is the most dangerous part.

#12) Tornadoes can start during a severe thunder storm.

#13) When people watch a music video with a God and a Devil, some people say the video is great, some say stuff about the God, and the rest bitch at people for talking and believing in a God. Trust me, it's pretty stupid why they fight and argue. If someone has a belief, no need to rub in yours.

#14) The song 'Ring Around the Rosie' was made during a harsh time in the Middle Ages. Why the hell do children sing this gross song?!

#15) Specific religions said that the people at the Boston Marathon deserve the bombing for attacking Afghanistan after what happened on September 11, 2001. Seriously guys? That's just fucked up! They attacked the US and killed everyone in the twin towers! Only people on the first, second, and maybe third floors survived!

#16) People who get in bloody fights are most likely bound to get the HIV Virus.

#17) Pythons can eat things the size of a pre-teen boy,

#18) The colorful scales on a snake are made out of the same material as our finger/toe nails.

#19) Dogs have advanced hearing and cats have advanced eyes.

#20) You'll explode if you stay in space for too long.


Hey guys! So which one was your favorite totally weird true fact?

Personally, I think it's the music video with a god or devil, the colorful snake scales, and the Ring Around the Rosie song. Seriously, check out the the meaning of that song.

But if you're too lazy to check it out, read it on the bottom down there.

Ring around the rosie - Back then there was a disease called black death or black plague (whichever you prefer) and there would be a disgusting red bump that was like a flower blooming and it had a red line around it.

Pockets full of posies - Anyone who had the disease was killed and the smell was horrible so people carried flowers in their pockets since they didn't have air freshener.

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down - They would burn the dead bodies instead of burying them and after being burned, the people's ashes laid on the floor.

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