Chapter 15

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Nicole && Chris's twins in MM . (Janelle && Shantelle)


Everything has been so hectic for me these past couple of months .

I have no family , no friends , && now I have no life .

I haven't made the best decisions , but I'm trying to learn from them now . I've promised myself that once I get out of jail .. Or if I get out , I'd change my life around .

Before I turn myself in , I thought it'd be a good idea to write Arie a note .

Once I wrote it , I kissed my babies && dropped them off at Arie's doorsteps . Being sure to ring the doorbell .

From there , it was now time to turn myself in .

I walked into the police station && told them what happened . They read me my rights && cuffed my arms .

So much was going through my mind . I've made terrible mistakes && now it was time to face the consequences.

This was now my life . Living behind a jail cell .


The doorbell rang && as I looked into the peep hole I saw no one .

"Not this again" I mumbled to myself

I opened the door seeing no one , but hearing loud cries .

Looking down I saw 2 of the most beautiful twins I had ever seen .

This must be Janelle && Shantelle she use to always tell me about .

They're even prettier than I imagined .

Picking both their car seats up && bringing them inside I noticed a note .

Picking it up && reading it , it stated :

Arie , I've made so many mistakes in my life . I was so wrong for everything I put you through and I'm truly sorry . I've done things behind your back , I've lied , && I've snaked you && I apologize for everything. You was the only true friend I had && I've failed you miserably . I even stooped so low as going behind your back while you && Chris were engaged , letting him in pregnant me . I think that was my biggest mistake , but the twins were a blessing . They have nothing , because I could never afford anything . I think this is the best decision I've ever made . I know you'll take great care of Janelle && Shantelle and I swear I'm getting help to fix myself . Thank you so much && I'm sorry for all I've put you through. I love you && kiss my babies for me .

Love, Nicole

I still had so many questions for Nicole , that I know would be answered in due time . But right now , my main focus && priorities were my boyfriend, && beautiful new children.

Odell had practice today , so I was at home by myself .

Ever since the incident, Odell went && got a whole new security system , && replaced all the cameras .

His paranoid ass was gonna make sure no one got in here without an invite .

Grabbing my keys , I walked to the door && opened it .

Only being able to grab one car seat at a time , I closed the door , locked it && headed straight to the store .

I had to buy double everything .

I bought the babies basic needs like diapers , wipes , bottles etc .

And then it was my favorite part .

Clothes shopping !

I went straight to the clothes section && bought almost the whole section .

I was beginning to love baby shopping && I had baby fever bad .

Janelle started to cry , so I opened one of the pacifiers && put it into her mouth .

She instantly became quiet && I thanked God .

Looking at both of them they really looked like both Chris && Nicole .

Pushing the buggy , I walked to the check our area .

"Did you find everything alright?" The clerk asked while ringing up everything

"Yes I did , thank you"

"Your total is $348.46"

"Damn." I mumbled to myself

After putting all the bags into thr cart , I payed the clerk && left .

I put the bags in the car first , && the twins in after .

I'm worn out already .

Pulling off , I got home seeing that Odell's car was parked .

"He's home early?" I said to myself

Deciding to leave the bags in the car for him to get out I took the babies inside .

"Babeeeee?" I yelled

He was sitting in the living room , when he turned around .

"You need help?"

"I really do" I said , sounding drained .

He walked over grabbing one of the car seats from my arm .

"They have bags in the car you need to get out for me" I said

"Ight . They are so beautiful." He cooed

"What's there names ?"

"Janelle && Shantelle" I said , watching him pick up Shantelle

"Pretty names . I don't like how they came about but they sure are a blessing . I'm glad we get to experience parent hood"

"I know right" I said smiling

"After I get the hang of them , Ima get chu preggo" he said pressing his pelvis onto my ass .

"You so silly" I said blushing .

"Maybe this is a sign we can finally be at peace ." He said


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