||Chapter one||Moving in with a stranger||

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Chapter one

status: Edited 8/21/2015

I look around my room. Empty. Not one thing cover the bare hardwood floor that was now once opinion it covered in scratches and nail polish splotches that I had told my self I was going to clean up two years ago. I turn around hoping and wishing that this year will be a better year thank the last few. 

       Since starting high school I had no friends and was the girl that you saw in the corner of the library Reading during lunch and free periods I was shy in high school . But I will not let that happen not this year. I am going to act like I do when I'm at home free willed and outgoing.

    " Princess, come on you've had enough time were leaving," hear my dad scream from down stairs.I run down the steps seeing that everyone was already inside of the car.

     "God, you take forever to do every thing," my older brother say once I get in the car "says the one who take longer than me to do their hair,"I say teasing him "says the one who take longer than me to do their hair" he mocks making his voice higher to impersonate me.

          As I was about to say my comeback mom cuts in between us " Austin, stop bickering with your sister" I turn and stick my tongue at him and he just rolls his eyes "whatever" he mumbles looking down at his phone.
I lay my head on the car window and drift to sleep
             I look around but I can't recognize anything familiar just tall trees, everywhere, but I feels weird like someone, or someTHING was looking for me but as I slowly turn around I see nothing but trees but the feeling doesn't go away. Then I feel the warm breathing on  my neck. I start bolting not taking the chance to even look behind me because that's exactly how those people die I the movies they think they can turn around and run at the same time but I know myself and I would run straight into a tree. Then someone grabs my arm and whips me around and stares at me. With these piercing grey eyes "MINE" he growls out, but I was still looking into his eyes.

            When I open my eyes I glance outside the window it's wasn't bad it look like a nice town not as busy as the city but bigger to have a descent amount of stores and a huge mall. The car turns the corner to a huge house with kids playing outside we go by some more houses before we stop in front of one. It was a big house that looked like it had about 6 rooms

   " biggest room", I call as I reach to open the door
"No, that's not fair I'm older I get the biggest room" my brother said clearly upset that I even thought that I was going to get the biggest room.

   " daddy, can I please get the biggest room Austin's going to college next year so he's not going to be here all the time anyway", I whine to my dad.

     He thought to himself for a moment, " Austin, she's right your not going to be here there's no point of you having a huge room", dad states Clearly seeing what I was talking about.

         I run up to the and look around its big not to big to where it looks like you don't have many things but since I do than It would go perfectly. I wander around the room to my own bathroom that's connected, then it went to check out the closet and let me tell you I have way more than enough room for my clothes. Lastly I go and look out on my balcony it faces the back yard that just so happens to be connected to the forest.
         The loud doorbell knocked me out of my haze I ran down stairs to see you it was " I got it mom I screamed not knowing what part of the house she was in. When I opened the door I was face to face ... We'll not face to face he was about 6'1 to my small 5'5 and 1/2

       " umm hi who are you?" I ask him I had to admit he was hot he had golden blonde hair and warm hazel eyes
    " I'm Blake, my mom and yours know each other and I wanted to know if you guys needed any help unpacking and stuff," he said rubbing the back of his neck as he looked me up and down " yea I could use some help thanks my names Bethany by the way but everyone just calls me Beth," i say as I open the door wider and let him in.
     I show him up stairs into my room and he starts to help me unpack
    Just as I add the last pillow to my bed Blake jumped on it." Blake!," I Yelled ." let's play 20 questions ," he says randomly ."Ok, me first how old are you?" I'm 17 you?" He questioned "16" I answered.

    " are you going to school tomorrow " he ask
"You cheated you already asked a question but yea I am why?" I'm coming to pick you up for school in the morning"."Umm ok " after eighteen more questions and just laying around Blake stood up." Beth I'm leaving I'm going home to eat see you in the morning"

       Once he leaves I go down stairs and to get some food but I guess they got pizza so I just got some left over pizza and warmed it up once it was done I sat down ate then got up to get ready for bed washing my face and brushing my teeth I finally lay in my bed thinking about two things,one how will school go tomorrow and two who was that mystery guy with the grey eyes?  I heard a howl outside thinking if my parents said anything about coyotes or wolfs living over here but thought nothing of it as I feel into a deep sleep

There you guys go first chapter and I only finished it at 2:55 I'll probably start a new chapter now ,
Anywhoe ,have a nice night.
      1066 words -.-  your welcome

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