I- Hold Me

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I cried the whole way there. My red hair was dull in Westeros and my blue eyes didn't sparkle anymore. The horse ride was rough and I wanted to go home.

Sansa was violently murdered by Joffery after slapping him. Sansa was meant as Ramsay's prize but I had to go instead. I left my sister sadly and painfully.

We finally reached Deadfort, the stronghold of the Boltons. He flags of flayed men on an 'x' shaped post move in the wind.

My face was red from crying and the flags sent the chills down my spine. Soon I heard the chilling voice of a man.

"So where is she...."

"Back there. "I heard a guard say.

The man walked up to me, Ramsay Snow....

"Ah there is he beautiful girl. "He held out his hand for me.

I gulped trying to hide my fear. I took his hand and he helped me down. My legs felt stiff from being on the horse for so long. I quickly stumbled into Ramsay and he held me tightly in his arms.

Frightened I pushed him away. "Now now no need for that. "Ramsay smiled.

I still hadn't said a work before Ramsay lifted up my chin to look at him.

"Speak to me girl, what's your name?" Ramsay asked a hint of devilishness in his eyes.

I gulped. "G-Gracelyn. "I stuttered nervously.

Ramsay stared coldly into my eyes. "I'm Ramsay. "Ramsay let go of my chin and began to walk into the the courtyard.

I inhaled deeply, this wasn't going to be easy.

Story for wildandfreeforever18 for all the book covers.

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