VI- Mistake

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"What did you say?" Ramsay hissed into my face.

I gulped not blinking and holding his gaze. "I- I said Ramsay let me out!" Why was I doing this? I didn't know.

Ramsay's anger changed into a harsh cackle, "Brave are you? We'll see how brave you are when you marry me." Ramsay gripped my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him. "Won't we, dear?"

I refused to answer Ramsay and I tried to pull away. Ramsay realsed my chin and I shuffled backwards as far away from him as I could.

"The wedding is soon, I think I'll keep you in here for awhile,"Ramsay laughed and exited the room.

I groaned, once I got contact to my sister I'd tell her to free me from this torture chamber they call DeadFort.

3 Days Later, Or Wedding Day

I was left in that cage for three days?! Ramsay didn't feed me alot, he gave me something here and there but I was famished, good thing he took me out the morning of our wedding. Maybe a good thing.

I gulped as Ramsay looked me over. "I can't wait to get your ravishing body into a dress!" Ramsay spoke in a deeper tone as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.

I didn't have the heart to try to resist him, I didn't want to be caged again. I stood there blank faced just looking at him, perhaps it was a little creepy but so was he.

"I've got you some handmaidens, they'll help you get dressed. "Ramsay leaned into my ear, "I cannot wait for tonight." Ramsay purred into my ear and then pulled away looking into my eyes our faces close.

I was pulled out of my daze when he whispered and I stared into his cold, blue eyes. Oh, how those eyes scared me from head to toe. Tonight? I didn't quite understand what he ment but I didn't have time to think about it as some ladies, including my sister entered Ramsay's room.

"Gracelynn!" My sister, Margery exclaimed as she rushed over to give me a warm hug.

I returned the hug with a smile, I imagined us back at KingsLanding together. My sister pulled away from me and smiled.

"Let's get you ready for your big day!" Margery began to walk me to another room. I didn't notice Ramsay had left, probably while my sister and I were hugging but where did he go?

My sister helped me into a dress, helped get my hair done, put me in family jewelry, and then stood in front of me smiling.

"You're so beautiful Gracelynn!" Margery complimented me.

I smiled and twirled in the dress, "People always say we look alike, I must look like you then." I returned the complement.

Now was my chance, to tell her about Ramsay and what he had done to me.

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