Chapter 7

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"Abel what the hell are you doing here, banging on my door like your some maniac at 4 in the fucking morning, you gave me a heart attack?" I said furiously.

He just invited himself in.

"Abel, get out!" I said. It really made me mad at the fact he was acting like a raving lunatic. Drunk or high, it didn't matter to me.

"No Emery." He said as his speech was slurred.

"Yes Abel." I said.

"No. Just listen to me for 5 minutes." He said.

"No, you're drunk off your ass and high as hell, I won't believe anything you say." I said seriously.

"Emery, just listen to me. I promise you everything I'm about to say is true. Just give me 5 minutes."

I stared at him for what felt like eternity but only for 2 minutes. I didn't understand what his intentions were, and I didn't know what his deal was. He was acting like... Let's see how do I put this? Crazy!

"Alright you have 3 minutes." I said, watching his every move.

"Emery, I am in love with you, and I know that this may seem fucking crazy because not only am I showing up at your house at 4 in the morning and looking pretty fucked up and probably sounding crazy as hell, but I'm here telling you how I feel, and I've never felt this way about anybody in a long time."

I have to get this off my mind it's been weighing me down from the day we met. From the first day I met you when you ran into me I looked at something so beautiful. I can admit that at first I just wanted to sleep with you but after hearing all of the stuff you've been through in your life and shit, I want to take care of you, because you deserve everything."

You deserve to be treated like a queen, you deserve to be happy. We've got a lot in common, and I promise you baby you've taught me how to feel when nobody ever could and you taught me how to love when nobody ever would. For so long I haven't loved another girl."

"I haven't cared for another girl and I haven't been able to feel for another girl. I just wanted to sleep around and not care and get fucked up. I didn't give a shit about females and their problems and how they felt, but with you, you make me love, you make me so fucking happy Emery and after hearing what you've been through I care."

"I see how females feel now and it makes me feel. You may not see it but I sure see how happy you make me and so does the crew. The last girl I was with broke my heart into pieces and she left me. She fucking hurt me and didn't even care. I felt like how you felt when your ex called you names and hurt you."

"So I started treating girls the way Valerie treated me. I slept around with different girls to numb the pain and I didn't give a shit about their feelings and how they felt. I was only thinking about me. She destroyed my emotions and wrecked me."

"That's why I am the way I am. I became cold hearted because I didn't want to be hurt or let down anymore. I lost all trust in everyone after her, except my family."

"See the crew, they all like you and they see my mood changes when I'm with you. Please Emery; all I'm asking for is a chance." He said while tears formed in the brims of his eyes.

I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. He was really fucked up. I didn't want to be hurt anymore. I was done being physically, mentally, and verbally abused.

I was done with bullshit and I liked being by myself knowing that no one could hurt me in anyway, although I felt lonely. Maybe this could be what I'm looking for.

"Abel." I said.

"What?" He responded.

"You're drunk come back tomorrow, and if you remember everything you've said tonight we'll talk about it tomorrow." I said.

He dropped his head and I could see that what I said probably hurt him really bad. I could see his tears falling from his eyes. I just needed him sober so I know that whatever is going on and whatever this is that he means everything he said.

I lifted his head and looked into his sad, cold, dark brown eyes.

"Don't be upset Abel, I promise we'll talk about this, I mean for all we know you'll probably forget all of this." I said. Although I was hoping he didn't because I had a secret to tell him.

"Emery, I'm not going to forget anything I said tonight." He said. He grabbed my waist, pulled me towards him, cupped my face and kissed me.

I broke the kiss. He told me goodbye and left. I locked the door and made my way back to my room. I took my sweats and shirt off and got back in bed. I was thinking about what just happened and started dozing off.

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. Here's the chapter you've been waiting for.
Let me know what you think Emery's secret is and what you think she's going to say to Abel. I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

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