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Raphael p.o.v; oh she will be mine I know she will and no one will take her from me. I don't know what has gotten into me I mean I've never felt this about anyone maybe I was just getting sick or something.

Mia p.o.v ; bbeepbbepbeep

Ughh why do I have to go to school I mean its so early ugh what ever let me check the news and see how the weather is. 91 tuh I already know what I'm going to wear... Okay so I decide to put on some denim shorts the almost reached lower than my ass and a white crop top And my white converse and I still had time so I'm going to straighten my hair not feeling my curls anymore

Parking lott; ugh not again their Has to be anthor spot I mean it's been the second day that my spot was next to his ugh its w.e I mean a spot is a spot I dont care you would have thought we were dAting because of are cars but no I mean this dude need help saying i~
I was cut off by no one other than Raphael
"Well hello doll how are you this morning? He coked hes head go the side
"Well you see I was fine until you showed up" I smiled
"That waist nice you shouldn't be talking to your tower guide like that"
"Can you move I have. Better stuff then to talk to you" I smiled

He seemed pissed because he stormed away


Wow was I talking to that pain in the ass for that long the halls were empty

"Well look who it is$ some one whispered in my ear their voice gave me chills up my back I slowly turn around ........


Background check jake was my ex who I used to date a year ago we been together for 9 mouths we almost made a year until I had to move way He didn't take it very well so he hit me until he has realized what Had done but I couldn't forgive him never after what he did to me i never thought I would have seen him ever again I promised myself that if he ever came back I would kill him but I didn't I was just standing their doing nothing i was to shocked to do or say anytbeg

"Did you miss me" ? Huh baby girl

I keep moving back every time he came closer to me

"Get away from me you asshole !"

"That's no way you talk to your boyfriend" jack had raised his hand but it had never touch my face

"Did you hear her she want you to the fuck off of her"


He was beating the shit out of Jake it was good for him but I felt bad I started to cry Raphael name

"Rapheal pleassse sttop" I said sobbing

He turned to me and then back at Jake

"Don't you ever ever touch her again or next time I wont stop " he spit on jake and walked towards me

"Mia are you okay" he deep voice gave me chills

"Yessss" I couldn't even speck

His wrapped his arm around me as he took me outside n into his car

"What about my car" I whispered

"You can come get it later I'm going to tame you home And stay with you if you would like"

I shook m y head yes


The hole ride of him taking me home was quiet I didn't want to know how he had know where I lived. We walked out the car and up to my door I opened the to me see my mom doing coke on the table with her dum ass of a boyfriend


"oh hi honey why are you home so ealry"?

"Mom you said you would stop doing drugs you promised me that you would" I said sobbing

"Well some people don't keep their promises" Brian said (he my moms asshole of boy friend).

"Lets go mia " Raphael whispered in my ear

I didn't Liston to him I just saw her sniffing away and her dead head boyfriend has a smirk on his face

I pushed Raphael out of my way and run as fast as I could I didn't look back
Raphael was screaming my name And trying to keep up with me

He finally did i felt his warm arms around my waist i turned around and looked into his grey eyes I fell to the floor but he still had me into his arms and telling me everything was going to be okay


Raphael took me to his house since no one was home we didn't say a word until me got into his room

"Are you okay doll?" He asked

"I dont want to talk aBout it can I just lay down and let you hold me I can't anymore " I stared crying

"Hey hey stop it ! Its going to be okay I will never ever let anyone touch you or hurt you ever again ur mine and only mine and I don't like to share " he pecked my lips and we walked over to the bed I felt safe in his arms and I didn't ever want him to let go..


Okay so I tired to write a lot but I didnt know what else to put . vote for more juicynes I wonder what's going to happen next with Raphael and mia will they date I don't yet ..

Also I will try to update everyday when I can


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