10 1 0

Raphael p.o.v; what is she doing hear I haven't seen that women in years and know all of a sudden she shows up at my door my BATHROOM DOOR to be exact how the fuck did she get in hear any ways ?

"Mom what are you doing hear and how tf did you get in hear" I scream at her feeling betrayed

Hahahaha she laughs

"Ugh huney I'm your mum I can come and go as I please" she says in a voice of joey

"Yeah you can but not after 8 fucking years!" And feel my hands ball up until I feel someone grab my hand and its Mia

Mia makes me feel something that I don't like feeling and I don't know what this feeling means.

Mia p.o.v; I grab Raphael's hand to calm him down I never knew that he didn't live with his mom but then again I didn't ask him. No wonder he looks so broken sometimes but who am I to talk I'm broke my dam self

I feel eyes on me as I look up I see Raphael eyes on me and I mouth "its okay stay calm" he closes his eyes and looks back at his mother and her eyes are not one his their on mine .

"And who's this young lady anthor one of your whores" she brusted out laughing

Raphael let go of my hand and screamed at her


I felt like my eyes where about to pop out of my head I'm his girlfriend ? As soon as he said. That he's mother stopend laughing and looks shocked

I...I'm sorry I didn't know..

She was cut off by him

"Yah well how would you have knowed if your never around and hears anthor thing say the fuck out of my life and away from dads where doing fine so have a nice day and get the fuck out of are house !"

He slamed the bathroom door on her face and looked back at me as he went and sat down at the toilet seat

"Are you okay ?"

"I haven't seen her in 8 years why would she come back know after all these years and time I mean why we was doing fine with out her " his voice was still of sadness

"What happened?"

As I walk up to him and on my knees I look into his eyes

"You can trust me"

He takes a deep breath before being
"When I was 11 I was sitting in the living room watching TV I heard my mom and dad arguing for most of the day but I thought it was nothing so I didn't bothered..... Later on I saw my mom coming down the stairs with bags she looked at me and walked towers me and got on her knees and grabed my face and looked at me in the eyes saying "I'll be back for you be a good boy okay with tears falling out of her eyes mommy loves you and she kissed my forehead" she picked up her bags and quickly ran out the house I ran to the window to see if she looked back but she didn't she just walked up to the can got in and he drove off and since that day I kept going back to the window thinking she may come back but she didn't
After a year I just gave up and just told myself that she never coming back to just give up".

"Raphael I..."

"Sorry yah its whatever I don't care anymore "

"But its not okay I know what it feels like I been throw a simlier situation"

And I get up and step back her

He grabs my hand and looks at me as my eyes water

A tear dropped as I told him my story and he doesn't say anything so I thought that I should just go as I go to open the Door I feel a hand holding my arm Raphael spins me around and hugs me

"I will never let anyone hurt you anymore"

He looks at me and kisses me gentle

I pull away to ask him about the girlfriend thing

He just looks at me confused and wondering why I pulled away

I looked down at my feet but he cups my face and says "what's wrong"

"Back when your mum was hear when she called me a whore you said I was your girlfriend? I said more like a question

"That's because you are doll I don't know why but when I with you I feel differently than how I feel with anyone else I don't know what this feeling is but I like it and I want it to stay this way"

"I feel the same way raph"

"Raph?" He says with a smile

"Yeah raph Raphael is too long to say sometimes I mean for god stakes you call me doll " I say laughing

I stop laughing as his face comes closer to mine

"Race you "


Before I could even say anything I see Raphael running down the hall

And that's my chance so run after him as I'm almost close to him I jump on top of his back we both fall on the floor him on top of me

"Its time to start what we didn't finsh doll"

Write then and then I knew I was in trouble

I though he was going to do something but he didn't all he said was bae I have to talk to you

"What is it"
"Look I'm going to tell u something but u can't tell no one I'm in......

To be continued

I hope you guys like this chapter and I know I haven't updated but I've been very busy and ill try to update more I wrote 934 words Ill try to do 1000 next time


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