Car sex

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Car Sex (Lexi/Jason)

Lexi Wilson let out a laugh has her boyfriend of almost a year adjusted her seat causing it to back more then she ment. Her laughter died has he caught her lips with his. She then felt his hand slid up under her dress and pull her panties down. Her boyfriend Jason aldean was quite a few years her senior and he was also the father of her best friend and a friend of her own father.

"I've missed you so much." Jason said kissing her neck.

"Sorry I had to go visit my gramma." She said has she caught his lips with hers as he slid inside of her.

"Never letting you leave agian." He said as she unbuttoned his shirt and he slid the straps of her dress down exposing her breasts. She just nodded her head in response as they both reached thier climax. He slid out of her and as they adjusted thier clothes. Lexi looked over at him struck with a moment of awe.

"I wanna spend forever with you." She said causing him to stop buckling his pants.

"Yea?" He asked.

"Yep. I wanna grow old with you Jason Williams."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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