Snapshots of life

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Note: sorry it's been so long life got in the way!!!! Anyway this is something diff I'm doing this is going to be a Drabble series. Each chapter is a diff prompt, diff couple etc. there is some lei gal characters in these and also Brittany kerr is a few. Please no hate over that, I know some people don't like her. Don't like her don't read. I'll have each chapter labeled with what couples it is. Please leave reviews!!

Build matching build-a-bears (Jason/Lexi & tully/Lizzie)

Lizzie whitlow and Lexi Wilson pulled thier boyfriends through opry mills. Both girls were in Nashville for 3 weeks, and it happened to go along with the time that thier boys were home from tour. 

"Are you two done yet? This place is like tourist central?" Lexi's boyfriend Jason aldean asked pulling his buck commander ball cap over his eyes more.

"Quit your whining I'll make it up to you tonight!" Lexi said running her hand into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Ooh! Build a bear!" Lizzie said from where she stood with her boyfriend tully Kennedy who just rolled his eyes.

"Are you two 26 or 6?" Jason asked as the girls pulled them into the store.

"Says the two 37 year old man who just spent 2 hours playing at Dave and busters." Lizzie said. Both girls started looking at the different bears while the boys just watching them. Lexi pulled out a camo bear and a puprle bear. While Lizzie grabbed a pink bear and a sandy colored one. The boys were content watching them when Lizzie turned and pulled tully by the hand beside at the stuffing machine handing him the sandy colored bear.

"Serouisly baby." Tully whined.

"I'll make it up to you." Lizzie said running her hand down the front of his jeans, ghosting her hand across the front.

"Fine." Tully said kissing her as Jason stood by Lexi who tossed him the camo bear.

20 mintues later they walked out of the store, with 4 of the little bear houses with the bears inside.

"Pretty sure we're whipped man." Tully said as Lexi and Lizzie walked ahead of them laughing over something.

"Would you have it any other way?" Jason asked.


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