Chapter One

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Chapter One

Peter's P.O.V

"Aaahhhhhhhhaaaaa!!!" I screamed. Why was I screaming? Well, you try falling out of a magical portal in the sky, with nothing but a concrete building looming below you and you'll get the picture!

I frantically searched for a building to web onto, when I found one and tried to use my web shooter I realized that, with their impeccable timing....THEY WERE EMPTY!!!!! I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for painful impact. This was going to hurt. But it never came, instead I landed on....webbing? Why am I not surprised? I opened my eyes. Yup, it was webbing, I looked around....then jumped when I heard an awfully familiar voice behind me.

"How many times do I have to tell you kids not to try Spiderman stunts like that!?" I turned around to face, who I presume is the me of this universe. He was a taller, and more well-built that me, older. And sounded more mature. His costume was slightly different from mine, seemed a bit more futuristic. "Ahh...actually I just fell out of this magical alternate universe portal in the sky...” I said rubbing the back of my neck. He sighed, and I was guessing that maybe I wasn't the first person to tell him that, but I was probably the only person who meant it. "Go home kid...” he said expharatedly, as turned around and started walking towards the edge of the building. “No wait!" I yelled. "I'm telling the truth and I can prove it!" I yelled. He stopped, still not turning to face me. "My names Peter Parker and I'm Spiderman from an alternate universe..." he turned to look at me. He stared at me long and hard. "Look," I said breaking the silence. "I'd love to the staring game all day, but you’re in danger! The goblin is-" "The goblin is dead..." he said. I shook, my head. "In your universe. The goblin of my universe is here and he wants to get your DNA for some reason-" As if right on que one of Goblins explosives rolled onto the roof. "Go!" the other Spiderman yelled. We both dove off the roof just as it exploded.

"Oh no...” I said. "I forgot about my web shooters!!!" I screamed as I fell. Just a few feet away from the ground I felt webbing pull me up away from the concrete floor. "Empty shooter?" He asked as he helped me down. I nodded. "Yup, that's why I got these..." he said holding up his wrists. “Full proof S.H.I.E.L.D tech...Most of the time..." My reply was cut short when I saw the goblin swooping down. People scattered screaming, "Go hide!" he said. "I’ll take care of MR. Green face over hear..." he said swinging towards goblin. "No! That's what he wants!" I yelled after him.

I just watched practically helplessly as my counterpart fought with Goblin on the roof tops. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw what was, right now the best thing ever. The local drug store, I rushed inside and quickly got the stuff I needed to make web fluid, then I played the clerk, who looked at me like he see's kids dressed like this every day.

After I had finally refilled my web shooters I swung up to the roof tops and saw 'older me' dogging Goblins flying robot things. I grabbed them with my webs and smashed them together. "He mind if I join the party..." I said as I swung over to older me. Just then I heard what sounded like a motorcycle engine, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away. "Move!" he ordered.

I didn't argue, and good thing too because next thing I knew a sweet white motorcycle much like my spider cycle, but obviously different came driving towards Goblin. It shot these electric something’s at him making him fall off his hover board and down the side off the building.

The cycle came to a halt, and the driver got down and took off her helmet. She looked down, "He's out but won't be for much longer," she said. She sounded a bit familiar, looked even more so. She was wearing a white suite and mask, with a black ponytail, only difference being her green sash like belt. The white tiger costume, but she looked about the fifteen.

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